Jailbird Follies

As luck would have it, the hatemailers did not take off this week merely because Red was red-shirted. Set that drink off to the side because it is time to open the stupidest inbox in the blogosphere for the 42nd edition of the M3 Friday Follies!


While I am not going to admit where I was during my DL conscription, there were plenty who were sure they knew what the reason for my absence truly was. The top choices were not fodder for a new poll, but included the following:

  • Stalker finally found out where you live.
  • Your USB port got tired of sending out [expletive].
  • In jail after advising people to commit suicide.

Perhaps, I should have advised my stalker to commit suicide and used only wifi to send out the signals. Oh, wait. I do not use USB or cable, so that one is already in the bag.

CPS, can you hold?

Apparently, more people give birth to clothed children than I would ever have imagined. Knowing Clyde is never at the top of the SEP, these hatemailers cannot possibly be subscribed to the I can only read the title group. Instead, they are absolutely in the I have no idea what you are saying group.

Why did I ever believe a blog on an American network would primarily be composed of English-speaking readers?

Despite the visual of my child in full dress, someone in New Jersey is determined to call child protective services on behalf of my… No, I am not going to translate this one. Meet your first contestant, hatemailing from New Jersey: Tosha.

Why you have those babies out in a park in nothing but a tee shirt and no shoes is crazy. How you plan on keeping those babies when cps comes to your house? You cant be taking children outside with nothing on. They has to wear clothes. You need to go to jail for neglecting those babies.”

Since I know how confusing possessive words can be (primarily mine and my), I have decided to make it just a tad clearer than Clyde did.

Oh, honey, you have nothing to worry about. That chick from CPS was here, and I told her you just had me confused. I showed her the proof my child was wearing clothes. You know, she is certain that picture really is of the little girl who lives in my house. How sweet is it the little one had just put on a costume right before the chick got here? Glad she got it out of her closet and not mine.

Thanks for the heads up. Now, they can all go back to being naked.”


Best part? Little Miss V heard me discussing this piece of hatemail with another blogger. She got one of the maps of the United States from the school room, found New Jersey and innocently asked:

What language does New Jersey speaks, Momma?”

Perhaps, I should have sent that as the response to Tosha.

More Nudity

When I designed the Flash in the Pan challenge, I chose its name very carefully. I weighed the subliminal message of finding gold flakes in the miner’s pan as the perfect mental image for bits of stories whose worth was not compromised by their size.

What was I thinking?

In all the many weeks of the M3 Friday Follies, not often have I been brought to speechlessness. Oh, let’s be honest. In my life I have not often been brought to speechlessness. Welcome your second contestant, hatemailing from Vermont: Earnest.

Why would anybody want to read stories about flashers?”

Could someone please name the group which does not even read the titles before commenting something as intelligent as this? Anyone want to lay odds Earnest’s vehicle does not have turn signals or hazard lights?

Literately Challenged

In yet another example of my apparent inability to command my native tongue, tonight’s third contestant hatemails from Wyoming to point out my inadequacies. Like Earnest, Richard had a problem with this week’s tribute to the NFL. Fortunately for all of us, it was shorter than the flash, if only by a few words.

What the [expletive] kind of sports report is this? What team? What player? Wheres the [expletive] video? What kind of site are you running here.”

No shot I was going to let this one pass. (Pun fully intended.)

Oh, Dick. The NFL was so [expletive] I was telling people about the injury without getting express written permission from them and CBS they served me with papers saying I had to take out everything. Dude, don’t you have Internet access? Watch for it on NFL.com.”

I am waiting for the War of the Worlds references to begin.

No Sheep In Danger

Vile and disgusting

M3 Readers who have been here longer than a hiccup know I have a huge compassion for animals and the environment. Apparently, Internet rubberneckers are concerned Mantra is a… You really need to read this in someone else’s words. Namely, your next contestant who hatemails from Montana: Felicia.

Why are you picking on sheep? They are great animals! They are sweet and give fur and eat weeds and they don’t ever hurt anything. How would you like it if someone punched you. I hope if there is sheep near you someone calls animal control on you!”

As luck would have it, I have an in with animal control. Just for giggles, I responded to Felicia.

Without being insulting to your maternal line, I feel compelled to tell you sheep can be some of the nastiest creatures on Earth. While they are good for endangering vegetation within their reach, they are just a prone to rolling in the resultant feces. Their wool (the proper name for “fur”) must be cleaned in an arduous attempt to make it usable for clothing and textile products. Incidentally, the closest I come to engaging sheep is lamb chops and souvlaka. Wool is itchy.”

Montana is the state where sheep are scared, eh?

If Only Silence Were Golden…

Never has a post about marriage or relationships gone live on The M3 Blog without someone going to the airport to catch the boat. Your fifth contestant is looking to have her parking validated.

Hatemailing from Oklahoma (state with the highest divorce rate at 36%), meet Willa. She is apparently not part of the majority.

If you talk to your husband about everything he is going to leave you because you never shut up. You can’t be going and telling him everything about what you do all day long. God knows I never wanted to know what my husband was doing every minute of every day. That is boring. You have to be leaving mystery in your marriage or you are going to talk his ear off. My marriage counciler for my second divorce was telling us we needed to keep some mystery so we didn’t get bored with each other. Too bad she didn’t tell us that about a year earlier when we got married.”

You guessed it. Let’s get interactive!


Given the longevity of your marriages, I am certain you know more about this. Unfortunately, I never had a divorce marriage counselor. I take that ’til death do us part vow pretty seriously and bury my husbands. Do you think it helps my husbands to know they are going to die anyway? Boredom seems like a pretty good way to go in my book.


Oh, wow! I did not know they had a council on marriage in Oklahoma. Is it new? I know they were concerned the whole divorce scandal would tarnish their reputation as the state where everyone rushes in before it is prudent. Sooner to marry, sooner to divorce. Sounds like a cool new state motto!


Where exactly do you draw the lines on what you are going to tell and what you are going to keep secret? I mean, do you think it is important to tell your husband he is the latest in a cast of thousands or was it sufficient for you to tell him you were not a virgin?


The choice is yours!

Right turn, Clyde.

Better Never than Late

The latecomer to this edition of the Follies is only three months late. Meet the tardy last contestant, hatemailing from Queensland: Lorraine. What was her beef? Clyde hit a nerve. Imagine that!

In response to the Saturday Evening Post from 30 June, Lorraine has this to say:

Where are your manners? Were you raised by dingoes? How can you find anything but tragedy and heartbreak in that tragic and heartbreaking picture. If I went through that I would be in hospital for the rest of my life. You need to have your mind examined. Sociopaths really should be put away.”

Since I am a rude, heartless sociopath raised by dingoes, anyone want to field one from the rubber room?

Spam Bot

Warning: This is only a clone.

Spambot Honorable Mention

We have not had a spam report in a while and the case of giggles I got over this one was monumentally memorable. As always, less for what it said than for where it attached. Seems Mantra needs an attorney:

Don’t spend one more night in jail. Call the offices of [redacted] collect and let us find a bail bondsman for you now! (555) 555-5555″

I feel safer already know there are defense attorneys standing by waiting on my collect call to get Mantra out of jail.


I hope your week has been free of hatemail, sociopaths, animal control, attorneys and sheep. Thank you for joining me for the 42nd edition of the M3 Friday Follies from the stupidest inbox in the blogosphere. Have a terrific weekend!

So, what shall we send to Earnest, Willa and Lorraine? Is anyone ability to give me a rational explanation for being this vehement when pointed in the opposite direction?

If you are sharing this post with a tweet or +1, please use the hashtags #FridayFollies and #humor. Any other tag is gravy!

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
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  1. OK I’m confused, but combine 1 and 3 for the marriage guru with the divorce. Geez, that’s like me writing an advice column on how to having a lasting marriage. It’d be more like divorce in 0 to 60.
    Laurie recently posted..Sunday FTPMy Profile

  2. For Willa it has to be number three
    and thank you for the giggles on this
    one Red 🙂

    Androgoth xxx

  3. Number three gets my vote! 🙂

    She’ll be chewing iron and spitting rivets if she ever manages to figure it out!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Friday – Off with its head!My Profile

  4. Send #1 to Willa. I guess for her, it’s important to start out with a divorce marriage counselor, THEN get married next time. This edition of the Follies was hilarious, Red—Thanks!
    Gail Thornton recently posted..The Girl in the Iron Lung3My Profile

  5. I would suggest a Gift Certificate for a frontal lobotomy for some of them but it seems they might already have had one.

    Enjoyed the post.

  6. I think #1 works well for this. I didn’t know Kansas had the highest divorce rate, by the way. I also can’t believe the hatemail some people write, but that is something I think every week.
    Derek Mansker recently posted..Don’t lose heart! God is not finished yet.My Profile

  7. number 1 – but I kinda like 3 also. what do you think they do with their time all day? Oh! I know they troll the internet and find things they don’t get and in some secret ignoramus’s R Us movement they are trying to remove the intellectual and logical and HELPFUL stuff… ug. Hey I am back on my little mini – everything properly backed up having to turn off every 20 or so minutes – the assholes wanted 70 to diagnos it and the problem he thought it was would require beig sent out and cost a minimum of $300… wtf it didnt cost that much to begin with….oh well I think I got that other angle thinking at least..

    Hatemailers are low self esteem boobs.
    Just saying.
    Lotsa Love
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Intimacy has two I’s, no We, Need a Y? , Mid-Afternoon Mental MomentMy Profile

  8. “Why did I ever believe a blog on an American network would primarily be composed of English-speaking readers?”

    Most of my followers are from US but I don’t know how the rest found me but they are from English speaking Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, England and India.

    • The joke to that one is she is from New Jersey. I have more than half of my audience outside the US, but only about 1/3 of it is primarily non-English speakers. Great to see you today, Carl.

  9. Given OK is my neighbor and I am all for hitting both Willa and the State between the eyes, I am going with 2. Though I must say, well 3 has much to envy when it comes to sarcasm.

    My wonderful fashionista Ms. V shakes New Jersey to their very worthy Jersey Shores. Gad I love me some Miss V. She nailed it this time didn’t she.

    I thought I was your bail bondsman, damn I hate when people try to horn in on my business!

    • You are. This guy was trolling for the fairy. Take all the subliminal message in for that one…

  10. Red, you are just crazy – I just don’t know how you take in all this hate mail with such ease!! A great skill there.
    Noeleen recently posted..Where am I now?My Profile

    • LOL! It is a never ending stream of giggles. I wonder how they manage to turn the machines on. xxx


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