Guest Flash: RLB Hartmann

He was young and handsome. Black hair that needed cutting, amber eyes that glanced my way.

Dressed in denims: faded jeans, jacket over bare chest. His sandals looked expensive, scuffed now from years of wear. Something about the set of his jaw, the line of his full lips, the rough way he handled the rake in the autumn leaves, bespoke a childhood hurt, deeper than disappointment, lingering still. I could see he needed cherishing, and secretly he was just my type. Or would have been, twenty-nine years ago.


Welcome to “Flash in the Pan”

December’s upper limit was 100 words. This flash comes in at 88. The word was type. RLB got in for the last week of the winter edition. Look around at some of your favorite blogs, which will be posting their final flashes this week.

If you are playing along for Flash in the Pan, or would like to join for the first time, visit the Flash in the Pan page to learn how to be a part of the third edition of FTP. The new words for this quarter are going up tomorrow! Deadline for all entries for this edition is 31MAR13. If you have already submitted, please check your links on the FTP page.

Happy Flashing!


What is your type or do you have a type? Have you ever been immediately physically attracted to someone? 

Are you getting in on this FTP?

Stop by RLB Hartmann‘s place and see what is going on!

(c) Red Dwyer 2013
Original Flash © RLB Hartmann
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on The M3 Blog
is expressly forbidden.
Copyright and Privacy Policy available
in The Office. 
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  1. Definetely been immediately physically attracted, that’s the easy part.

    OK I’m blind I don’t see the new words.
    Laurie recently posted..Happy New Year!My Profile

    • Slight scheduling snafu. They will be live tomorrow. I had to rearrange posts and apparently forgot to edit this one. I have been, uh, a little preoccupied. 😛

  2. These guest FTP’s are a good idea I think as it helps a great deal with your demanding schedule.

    If you want to add anything of mine just do so, but perhaps a lighter flash such as ‘Ring’ would be more favourable to the majority of your ever increasing reader base? 🙂 lol

    I do hope that you are going to start relaxing soon, you have done enough already and your well deserved vacation should be starting, well right about now actually 🙂

    Have a lovely rest of evening Red 🙂

    Andro xxx

    • I will take you up on your kind offer. I will let you know when it is going up so you can hang a note out at your place 😉

  3. It’s embarrassing when people write about me like that.
    Binky recently posted..Holiday Jolly MuscleMy Profile

  4. Oh to fall in love!!! 🙂

    Yes I have been physically attracted to many wonderful women and had to walk away so, so often… 🙁

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Thursday – Doug makes a fruitless call.My Profile

  5. I love: Or would have been, twenty-nine years ago.”

    Time and distance do tend to cure some of what might have been sorry mistakes. Nothing wrong with looking and admiring, though. Bring back memories for me. Tee Hee.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Goodbye 2012My Profile

    • I loved that line as well. To think when we were younger we had them planned all the way down to the size of the shorts. o.O

  6. You leave me no choice, but to answer my husband to the first and second questions and YES to the third.
    Lorre Lyons recently posted..If you give your elf some alcohol……My Profile


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