Spring Decorating

I have been remiss in my duties, so I need to clean off a shelf and put something on it. Kearney has been waiting on me since the 5th, but alas, there were some which were ahead of her. This post goes out to her, but you are more than welcome to take a peek

If you have not been over to A Detailed House, you are missing out. Kearney has a great eye, really cute dogs and children and a husband who likes strays.


I stumbled onto A Detailed House when Kearney was working on her kitchen, which is fabulous, by the way. Her inner architect comes out to play with her muse…her amazing house. Click the link above to open it in another window and do look around. The doors are never locked. And the Jack Russells are too sweet.

What Kearney has been waiting for me to do is present the Kreativ Blogger Award she bestowed on M3 for all its prolific postings on its myriad topics. I happened to think this was the perfect time before we delve back into the secrets of identity.


1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you. Check.

2. Seven secrets about yourself. Won’t this drive Mervin just to brink of insanity?

3. Nominate seven creative bloggers for the award. On the way, keep reading.



SEVEN: I love fish. Yes, the mermaid part of me. Beside my screen is a camera shy Siamese fighting fish. No, he is not red, but blue. And on days when his pellets are red or black, he is the coolest shade of purple. One of my projects for spring is to get the aquarium up and running and filled with fun friends. By the way, Grüber waves a fin and says hello.

SIX: I love soda as much as the next person. In my house it is called pop. My granddaddy called it that, and so do we. If I want something sweet: Dr. Pepper. If I want something special: Creme soda. If I am thirsty, I have a TAB.

FIVE: I believe in the restorative power of the pedicure. I recently took a poll of my Facebook friends, asking them why we were friends. More than a dozen admit they like to help me choose the color of my toenail polish.

Spotted Garden Spider

FOUR: I only like bugs in their natural habitat, but I love spiders. There would be no vermin in any house I would ever enter if left to my own pesticidal devices. In the yard, I enjoy my garden spiders, who love my porches, and my banana spiders, who have no qualms about my not having any banana plants.

However, spiders are a sign of a happy home when they are inside. Judging from the cobwebs around here regularly, I must be doing something right. See exception below.

Honeycomb Booties

THREE: I am deathly allergic to wolf spiders (the little ones which like my window sills). I live in Black Widow country, but apparently brought my least favorite spider to South Carolina with me…The Brown Recluse. They are healthy and happy and prefer being indoors. The largest one I found in the house was the size of the palm of my hand. She was very content in the guest bathroom. Wench. My weapon of choice? How did you guess?

TWO: One of the best midnight snacks (or any other time of the day) is warm cereal. Oatmeal will do if it is all I have at the moment. Farina is far better, especially with a dab of butter pecan syrup and a pat of real butter. What is the one which will win out every single time? Buttered rice with milk and a sprinkling of sugar. Yes, I like simple.

ONE: I have absolutely no ophidiophobia…none. They are one of the cleanest, easiest pets. Having one helped many of my friends overcome their ophidiophobia, since I tend to take my pets with me on outings and walks. Over the years, I have had quite a few. From little ones to mega-giants, they all have been sweet pets.

The Nominees Are… 

The Green Room has some of the most amazingly creative bloggers in the blogosphere. I was able to trim it to seven based on the two awards from last week (See the winners via The Trophy Room.) and something else I have planned in the immediate future. Take a few moments to head over to these blogs and show the love.

Since a few of these blogs are not the award show type, they will not be pinging back here. This in no way disturbs me because they have other things to do, but I want them to know they deserve it nonetheless. As is my custom, I am not telling them I am sending you. Comment and drop my name!

Refrigerator Magnate

Self-professed as Things your refrigerator would love, this blog is an amazing wandering through the art world. You may have seen its owner lurking about. Spilled Ink Guy is a terrifically talented artist and blogger.


El Guapo is a regular around here. Another one who is not big on award shows, he nominated me for the Glittery Yaynus. Knowing full well he will not interrupt his schedule of terrific music and the best polls, I nominate him on the grounds he draws out the creativity in his audience every week.

Glory’s Garden

Even when she is not out in her garden doing the most creative things, she is indoors creating. She has some great things on her spring wishlist you should really check out. Time is coming to be warm and outdoors again, instead of inside surfing the blogosphere. Grab a couple of Glory’s ideas!

Before Morning Breaks

Barb takes you to Two Pan. Don’t know where that is? You need to visit. She calls it a squint eyed look at change, and she is onto something. Stop by and look at how we change and at how we got here. Find out if you could have survived in Two Pan.

Boy Mom Blog

What is not to love? Her boys are stinking adorable! She has this blogging thing down to a science. What could be better? She is going to business for herself! Get in on the ground floor and help support her.

Adams Art

Deb has some of the most awesome digital paintings. She can make pixels sing. Yes, sing. Her subject matter is varied and seriously creative. Drop in and give the thumbs up to one which sings to you.

Incoming Bytes

Raymond has a creative take on most everything. You may well be floored by where he finds some of his inspiration. What else can you say for someone who happens to have a bonsai fetish?

Closing Remarks

I have to say thank you to the many wonderful bloggers who make this journey fun, entertaining, inspiring, creative and overall a wonderful profession. Thank you, Kearney, for bestowing M3 with the Kreativ Blogger Award. It is terrifically appreciated.

A special thank you goes out to everyone who commented on my last post. I hope you can understand my silence.


I am looking for ideas for a new blogging award. We already have the Educational Shoe Award. What category is underrepresented in the blogging awards arena? And no, it does not have to be a chain letter type thing. 

(c) Ann Marie Dwyer 2012
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  1. 1st up before I forget to say Red, can you go to my site & resubscribe to email updates with the sidebar form. I had to delete my Feedburner feed as it was causing weird errors with my RSS Feed. Once I got rid of it the RSS worked fine, with it it was saying the feed was malformed & wouldn’t load.
    I haven’t had a Dr. Pepper in years. Most shops don’t stock it here but you occasionally see it. Here we call soda softdrink

    • Red

       /  March 13, 2012

      I resubscribed. Here TAB is the thing which is next to impossible to find. In the ’90s when NutraPoison became the sweetener of choice, I was still on TAB because I am seriously allergic to NP. When people see me with a can, they ask me if I had it hoarded in a bunker somewhere….I usually ask them to loosen their tin foil hats. 😉

  2. Congrats on the award…You certainly deserve it Red, you being so creative with words and idea all of the time. Honestly, with all you have on your plate I don’t know where you find the time.
    Thank you to for thinking of me it that lovely list of blogs…I’m honored and humbled.
    You have a good evening now, and remember what I told you earlier…Your in my thoughts all day and now, always in my prayers.
    Hugs, xx

    • Red

       /  March 13, 2012

      Thank you, and you do deserve it! I have spent plenty time flipping the pages at your place.

      I shall, my sweet. Have a wonderful evening, Red. xxx

  3. Cool as always Red! 🙂

    I have seen what a brown recluse bite does so I find the thought of such beasties seriously scary!!! 🙁

    Love and hugs my friend! 🙂


    • Red

       /  March 14, 2012

      Their bites are so very nasty. It is one of the only breeds I will never allow in the house!

  4. Even though as you’ve mentioned I tend to shy away from awards, I very much appreciate your great kindness in thinking of me, Red! You have totally made my day! Yet again!
    Which even makes up for the Brown Recluse thing! We had them in our last apartment (which was basically a dark cave). One (we think) bit me several times in the leg once. Although I shouldn’t complain, because it could have been worse than a fist sized welt, I guess. Makes me shudder just to think about it. In fact, I’m just going to go right back to thinking about your including me, again! Thank you so much!!

    • Red

       /  March 14, 2012

      Oh, yuck! Bites are awful. The centers of them become necrotic, blacken and the skin and muscle is eaten away when the venom is not appropriately removed. I have only been bitten once. I cannot imagine a few!

      But I am glad you like the award. You deserve it. I am still trying to decide what I really think the sign says. You have some really pithy answers already. 😉

  5. Bear

     /  March 14, 2012

    Congrats again, my love.

  6. Congratulations on
    your Award Red 🙂 😉

    Androgoth XXx

    • Red

       /  March 14, 2012

      Thank you, dear friend. I hope your night is off to a brilliant start!

  7. Saw my first Spring bug in my bathroom last night. I have a feeling it’s going to be a Spring/Summer/Fall with a lot of screaming going on. I don’t mind most spiders, but prefer them on the OUTSIDE! Especially large, hairy ones. Congratulations on the award. 🙂

    • Red

       /  March 14, 2012

      I wish! I have had the creepy crawlies trying to get in all winter. For me, they spend more of the summer outside where it is plenty warm…only when it is cold do they want in by the hundreds. Most of the hairy ones here are little 😉

      And thank you, Angie!

  8. Hiya Red,
    Just stopping in to say hello. As you know I’ve been off line for about a week and thought I’d come by to see.
    You and your children have a wonderful night, and once again…Thanks for the nomination!
    Hugs, xx
    Deb recently posted..Binky’s Beach House has Opened for the Spring and Summer!My Profile

    • Red

       /  March 26, 2012

      You are so very welcome! Glad to see you, but shouldn’t you be sipping something fruity by the shore?
      Red. xxx

  1. Inspiring, Beautiful, and Kreativ Blogger Awards « Debbie Adams

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