Clyde on Perfection

mary poppinsEnough is as good as a feast.” ~ Mary Poppins

When Mary Poppins said it, she meant what the children had done was sufficient and more belaboring would only please those of meticulous nature.

Close enough for government work” ~ Red Dwyer

In the grand scheme of things, perfection is overrated; yet, humans chase the golden ring for the majority of their lives. Clyde says,

Get over it.”

Imperfection is part of what makes our personalities distinct. The idiosyncrasies define our method of approach to myriad endeavors and are very different from others’.

Perfection, in many cases, is subjective. Subjectivity requires opinion. Everyone knows opinions are like…


bellybuttons… everyone has a different one, and they are all full of gradu.


Yes, some things are measurably perfect. Specifications are met on a daily basis; however, the feasibility of a perfect product cannot be measured with a caliper. For instance, very few people would debate the mechanical perfection of a Gran Cabrio.

maserati gran cabrio

A gift of one to a single mother with four children would be met with a raised eyebrow; it is far from perfect for her situation.

What of all the other ways humans, especially adults, strive for perfection? Nutrition, job performance, relationships, to name a few.

Do Not Eat That

nih food pyramid

The improved food pyramid is another great example of overrated perfection. Most of us grew up with a pyramid built in layers (practical). Today, it is built in vertical stripes.

While the chemistry of the human body is not rocket science, telling a vegetarian to eat a plate of meat will cause far more harm than good. Our bodies grow accustomed to our diets and function in spite of what we put in our mouths.

Even though the pyramid is a good example of what to feed an unconditioned body, chances are better than average people who are lactose and gluten intolerant will tell you three glass of milk and six servings of bread are enough to put them into the ground. Again, overrated perfection.

Give me a raise!

performance reviewWhat kind of nightmare is this? You have hit every production milestone accurately and think this is unfair. You see your performance as perfect because the client was happy with the perfect product.

What your boss sees is the six days you were tardy, three days you were absent, five days you worked in excess of 10 hours, two overtime requests, employee who quit because she could not produce without your materials and your blown budget.

Love Me Long Time

burning heartMatters of the heart are no different. How many people are looking for the perfect mate? Those same people believe they are the perfect mate. Overrated perfection.

The most beautiful body walks into the room. Animal magnetism sends hormones racing. Small talk leads to a date. Nature takes it course from an intimate to exclusive relationship. Over time, the imperfections surface.

  • Dirty dishes in the sink and laundry on the floor
  • Failure to laugh at your jokes
  • Incongruity on your acceptance of family
  • Disinterest in your hobbies
  • Fixation on parts of life which were present when the body walked in the room

Exclusivity is not as exclusive as you once perceived, even though Mate is only having sex with you. The differences between you are growing exponentially. The harmony becomes more off-key with every situation. What you saw as perfection is not even close to your ideal of perfection.

Enter Ape

Right turn, Clyde!

When perfect is in the eye of the beholder looking at a mirage, why do we insist on chasing perfection? Better still, why do we expect adulation for our own perceived perfection?

Moreover, what is it which brings us to judge those who do not hold our same ideal of perfection? Why do we think the single mother should be grateful for the mother of all inappropriate gifts? Why do the vegetarians think the omnivores are barbaric and the omnivores think the vegetarians are stupidly missing out? Why is performance based on the ability to hold to strictures which do not mitigate successful satisfaction of the client? Why is relationship perfection based on similarity rather than complimentary nature?

It is enough to make an ape wonder.

perfection butterfly

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Is perfection overrated? Does the butterfly have it right? How closely related are perfection and judgment?

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© Red Dwyer 2013
Image Credits:
Mary Poppins © Disney
Maserati courtesy of Carbuyer UK
Food pyramid courtesy of NIH
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  1. Close enough for government work” ~ Red Dwyer

    Somehow I think that was someone else who said it first. hahahah
    Bearman recently posted..Fidel Castro and MonopolyMy Profile


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