Muse for Monday

Mantra fireWhen it was time to burn the Christmas tree, Mantra decided to show for the fun. When I posted the picture, I was not the one who noticed her, but many people have.

It occurs to me her next book of poetry is marked by its darkness, all the way down to the title. Ironically, I am finding fire in it. Were the chapters not so aptly named, I may well have had to add a fire chapter. Despite their fiery nature, they all seem to fit where they are.

The name of this poem is not the simplistic ones we have come to associate with Mantra’s poems, but it is definitely fitting: One Line Obit. This month’s sneak peak into Mantra’s Book of Shadows comes from the chapter entitled Words You Cannot Take Back.

Mantra encountered someone we have all met: The Meme. Perhaps, you have met more than one. The irony of it all is they are, in all their proclaimed uniqueness, the same. The endless stream of exaggeration and lies, the emergencies and the self-congratulatory hoopla. Where does it all end? Mayhap, in a…

One Line Obit

Every time your mouth moves a lie escapes.
You know that I know; it does not stop you.
You chew the truth into a tasteless paste.
Add fantasy and imagination

Expecting everyone to hang upon
Every word artlessly contrived by you.
They slither from an ivory bright smile,
With convincing nods of affirmation

Designed to evoke agreement from all
Who should hear your self-proclaimed sultry voice.
Your body language coaxes urgency,
So others jump up to take on your load.

When the silence returns, the echoes ebb,
They may still believe you gave them a choice.
Me? I am not so enchanted to think
Any of it was more than just your mode

Of passing your responsibilities
Across the chasm to whoever’s there,
Qualified or reckless, makes no difference
As long as you’re spared paying the piper.

Good luck with that. At the rate you’re going
You’ll fall off the edge, and no one will care.
The end of your palaver marked with a
One line obit on the police blotter.


Why do memes believe they should never face the consequences of their actions? Why do they believe anyone who points out their inadequacies is attacking them? Has Mantra delivered Karmic justice?

#Hashtags: #poetry #memes

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  1. Red,
    Mantra has her finger on my hot button today. I’m trying to organize something but a person wants to be apha and take the credit for my work under the guise of “helping.” I told the person they were welcome to schmooze if they want to. This is not exactly what Mantra is so hot about, but I am surrounded by those who claim responsibility when in actuality, it’s only ownership.
    Gail Thornton recently posted..Review of A Month of Mental MomentsMy Profile

  2. How come the poem about a one line obit isn’t?
    Bearman Cartoons recently posted..Customer Service Phone TreesMy Profile

  3. I can definitely see Mantra in the flames, and what a great Muse for Monday as it speaks volumes and is a wonderfully written piece of poetry.

    I like this one a lot 🙂

  4. People really do need to be accountable to consequences of their actions… the line about chewing the truth is – excellent!
    Christy Birmingham recently posted..Lost and Needs a Home: A PoemMy Profile

    • Glad you liked it. It was born of lots of witnessing o.O It is great to see you today, Christy. xxx

  5. I heard something to the effect, “Immitation is the highest form of flattery.”

    I don’t think so.
    Tess Kann recently posted..Hot Flash x2My Profile

  6. You know – the little imp she is.. has hit too close to home on this.. I can not say more or I will write a book..oh, lovely idea. ♥
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Weekly Photo Challenge; UniqueMy Profile


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