Have you ever wondered what label your friends would put on you so others would know what to expect? Wouldn’t you know it? I asked.
All posts tagged memes
Prompt: My Warning Label
Posted by Red of M3 on May 10, 2016
Prompt: I say _______ a lot.
Yes… I repeat myself. After all, there may still be someone who has not heard it.
Posted by Red of M3 on May 5, 2016
Day 27: She Said.
I am known for many quotes: some mine, some of others. There is one I strive for every single day.
Posted by Red of M3 on May 27, 2013
Day 7: I only get 5?
I routinely point out pet peeves #571 and #4,367. The challenge says just five. Le sigh. Let’s try. Oh, and expletives not deleted. You were warned. #5 Enunciation Truly, is it so difficult to pronounce words? If so, do you think I will be more receptive at higher decibels? Are you in such a hurry […]
Posted by Red on May 7, 2013