The impish fairy is pouting because I flatly refused her homicidal recitation for today in favor of a twist on my normal stance toward silence.
She even went so far as to offer a darker version of silence for today. It all came down to my reasoning.
Silence is often lamented for its loneliness or aloneness. Give our propensity to loathe Mondays, why silence is not embraced is quite the enigma. Personally, I relish a large measure of silence. Still, we miss the boat by believing the only opposite to silence is cacophony.
Mantra joins Clyde in wondering how we survive as a species. I personally know of more than half a dozen instant answers to opposites to silence which are entirely worthwhile. She does not think my opinion counts.
Let’s find out how silence really Crumbles and why it may not be such a bad thing.
Silence crumbles around the edges,
Nibbled by the nearby sounds of life.
Some hack poet led the masses
Far astray from the beaten path.
Filling their ears with long lines,
The crush of suicidal thoughts
And all its tear-filled aftermath.
Painful love no one can deny.
Life bustles with no consequence.
Days full of unimportant chores,
Yet life knew it had a purpose,
Found fulfillment in jobs well done
And wealth paid in genuine smiles.
Silence crumbles at the edges,
Smiling as it retreats from life,
Packed with mirth, humor and pure fun.
Name something in your life which crumbles the silence in an enjoyable way. What was the last joke you heard? (The filter is off because the editor is on.)
Hashtags: #poetry #silence #humor
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/ June 22, 2015My grandson’s laugh. Good conversation with a friend. Animals greeting the sun…
It happens all day; the sounds are made more beautiful for the silence between….
The last joke I actually heard someone tell me was a real event, about the teller, two government geeks, and some code that made them wet their pants, or something like that…
Don’t remember exactly how it came out…
gigoid, dubiously
gigoid recently posted..Still dubious after all these years….
Red of M3
/ June 23, 2015LOL, I imagine it was quite a whopper! Sounds like you have some great silence breakers.
Valentine Logar
/ June 23, 2015Sometimes, many times I just need the silence because anything else sends me screaming. I am figuring that out about myself.
Mary Helms
/ June 23, 2015Silence is my joy. I enjoy having the silence broken by an intelligent conversation, which are few and far between in my life, a conversation with a child and the sound of Ryder’s hands slapping against the floor as he crawls to find me. Children have not become stupid yet. They tend to make more sense than most adults. Silence brings me peace. It restores my equilibrium. During times of silence I can speak to God and feel his presence in my soul. I need silence for my mental state. Silence is as important to me as sleep or food. I create silence in the midst of life. I lose myself in God, a good book and game play. Silence surrounds me.
/ June 28, 2015I live in silence all day long. The only sounds will be one of my cats anxious for dinner, though he’s an hour early. Still, the silence is total because the a/c hums, my coffee pot sometimes burps and my fridge gurgles. (All true) 😀
I’m terrible remembering jokes and can’t recall the last time I heard on. Probably read one yesterday but cannot think of it.
Red of M3
/ July 2, 2015I am the same way. I can tell you a handful of jokes from when I was a teenager. One before lunch? Not so much. xxx
/ June 29, 2015Damn I thought Crumbles would be about donuts
Bearman recently posted..Confederate Flag
Red of M3
/ July 2, 2015So did Lizzie. 🙂
/ July 6, 2015Classical music. At least I can still think with that on.
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Gray Dawster
/ October 8, 2015I personally like the silence, it is a time to be at peace with everything, a chance to reflect or simply smile as the world goes by 🙂
Have a truly great Thursday my dear friend 🙂
Andro xxx