Ashen Lily

crayon mantraThe impish fairy has decided pastorals are not outmoded by personifying a seed. Yes, a seed.

How often do we scoop the seeds out and throw them in the garbage? Sometimes, we toss them aside by our actions where they fall on infertile ground. How much hope is there in the solitary seed which defies the wreckage of the world to blossom in beauty against the mayhem?

How much more poignant is it the flower is one which often symbolizes death?

Ashen Lily

From the ashes of a detonation…
A lily pushes away the grey in an orange blaze of happiness.

Raindrops washed the seed between the broken blocks of a fallen wall.
A reality bomb obliterated the prison of pop built in the road.
The road sign pointed skyward from a tilted post, a crossroads.
The proverbial place to decide to quit or go for it all.

The patient lily sent up tender shoots seeking the sun’s love.
Nourished by the remnants of lessons learned, it blossomed free.
The rain soothed away the heat of the day and ushered the night,
Where the lily chose, despite being alone, to be happy.


How often does adversity show beauty? How fitting is the sign pointing up?

Hashtags: #peotry #hope #flowers

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  1. I think adversity always shows us what is really true, especially about our own nature; we decide whether what we perceive is beautiful…. That said, it also seems to be true that beauty shows up during times of adversity more often than not… so, go figure… Perhaps the old saw about people rising to meet the occasion is truer than we know, as with much old wisdom, for it also shows something, to wit: the true character of the person experiencing the difficulty….



    • I often wonder if the beauty which catches our eye is only noticeable by contrast. In the quiet times, I see it everywhere. There is no irony lost on me the perseverance is a character trait we universally find beautiful. Perhaps, those sages knew of what they chanted before the masses stopped sucking their fingers and babbling.

      Blessed Be, xxx

  2. As with much of what you write, I sit back and consider the contrasts when I read what you write.

  3. I am too busy getting through the adversity to see any beauty in it?

  4. Life throws up many challenges, some more adverse than others and yes in that chaos there is beauty to be found. One only needs to look beyond the hardship, and somewhere shining brightly there is hope 🙂

    Have a lovely Sunday Red 🙂

    Andro xxx

    • Truly. I find hope in the success stories of those who survive adversity. Inevitably, they are tempered by the fire to be stronger incarnations of themselves.

      So lovely to see you, this morning.

  5. Adversity often brings out people’s true nature, both good and bad.
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