Good grief. The week was never officially over. Is that why is my desk still full? Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. I will not bore you with all of the details. Even though Clyde is jumping up and down, he has to wait until Saturday. Let’s talk.
I am considering changing the logo at M3 to this.
When I am not here, the conversation creeps to a halt. Bah. Who likes talking to themselves?
In the last five days, I have had more stumbling blocks to getting online than I have had ever. Between the rain (does more rain dance) and the fabulous Verizon having no idea how wind (blowing down trees) will affect their wireless service (le sigh), I have been off the Web altogether. I have installed a safety net, which best help or I am tossing the Crackberry and the laptop out beneath the beautiful crepe myrtles, who are enjoying the rain.
I promise, I will be back here more often. Since…
Over the last week, I have added more than two dozen pages to RedmundPro. Christy’s book went live. Thank you for all of the well wishes. Her smile is brightening the sky in western Canada.
A huge page of press releases are free for download for everyone. Feel free to share liberally.
The new FTP book will be out on the first. Beyond that, there are a new crop of flashers. Look for them on the FTP page and in the Green Room. Have you left a link to your blog in The Green Room? Hmm…
I want you to be thinking of a blog challenge. What would you like to see a bunch of on M3? Consider this crowd sourcing content in a new way.
You had a wonderfully creative time naming the fractals last week. Number two was the favorite, although #5 was runner up. My favorite is #5. My names for them were…
- Blizzard Rise
- Full to Bursting
- Closing in Ten Minutes
- Scarab Medallion
- Too Many Leaves
I really like #3 and was surprised by how many of you were speechless on a name for it. It screamed its name before I could get it on a background!

This flash is hot!
There are already more than 60 entries for flash this quarter. There are another 30 in my inbox. This will be the biggest flash season yet. I am really excited about the participation and the new book, which will be out in just over one week! Considering there are more than 40 entries in the book which were never on the web, I am really thrilled to put this one into print.
If you have not gotten copies of the other books, they are on sale until the new one debuts. Do not miss your chance to have the whole collection for less!
I want to thank all of you who come to M3 rain or shine. You are the best blog audience in the blogosphere. You make my job entirely worthwhile.
Lizzie Cracked
/ July 24, 2013I didn’t relaize you were gonna call it Moving Sat to Tues…lmao and I got confused. Its not nice to mess with the days of the week and all that stuff… I am glad I checked it out though… now I know and Iwill be back on time… know what I mean.
I never knew what crepe myrtle looked like…its very pretty..
Much Love ♥
Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Back to School with Bubbsy & Gracie, and Bubbsy goes caveman with a dinosaur
Red of M3
/ July 24, 2013I adore them. When I got here, it took me a few years to get the ones I wanted. The white ones are Natchez White. They are my favorite. The Dynamites are more prolific (even though those are dwarf). My grandmother had some Texas Pinks which were pale as blush. Really pretty. Lots of ppl hate them because they snow on everything (The flowers are tiny.), but I love the look of it as they fly past the windows. 🙂 As close as I will ever get to liking snow. xxx