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Hot Flash

Tools arranged on the tray were surgical instruments. He dropped the thermostat, donned gloves and took a deep breath.

Flash in the Pan

The car was covered in snow. He had been sitting outside the diner for three hours before he spotted her.

E is for Editing

Letter E

“Who can possibly know what I write better than me?” “The story is great! My wife read the whole thing.” “I use spell check.” If you have ever said one of the foregoing, you might need an editor.

Fictitious Innuendo


We got over the angst of figuring out when the story was overly explicative or hopelessly futile. Where exactly is the line between extraneous details and effective character development?

Flash in the Pan

howling wolf

Somewhere in the distance a wolf bayed. With a wry smile she thought, Calling to his mate.