All posts tagged gifts

The Thought Does Not Count

How many times have you told someone, especially Mate, It is the thought that counts.? I have a challenge for you. I say, The thought does not count. You up for a debate?

I’d Rather Think of Myself as a Sadist.

letter to santa

But in truth, I am a masochist. What other explanation could I have for my behavior?

You Need To Start Tomorrow.

Yes, I know there is still a wad of crumpled wrapping paper under the tree and there are 14 containers of leftovers in the fridge. Your in-laws are snoozing, and the children are playing in the boxes from their gifts. Want to skip the last minute brouhaha next year? Get Ahead  Planning ahead is the […]

Letter to Santa

Dearest Saint Nicholas, I know you may be surprised by the fact this letter is in the packing slip portion of a rather large box. Inside the box are the Christmas lists my children presented me, sans postage, to forward to you. Before you open the box, please take your nitroglycerin and have Mrs. Claus […]

Thanks! I, um, love it?

Follow The Steps So here is the step-by-step on re-gifting: 1. Receive the unwanted gift with grace and thanks. 2. Always re-gift to the giver. If this person is not a trained re-gifter, explain. So much thought went into choosing the gift, it would be unfair for the gift to be wasted by you. 3. […]