All posts tagged M3 Coffee Shoppe

Writers Spotlight: Second Glance

When the order came across the headset for a pitcher of iced super sweet, Red answered, “I got this one,” knowing full well who was in the M3 Coffee Shoppe. She scanned the café floor and spotted her target easily. She was surrounded by a throng of young people with assorted tees and backpacks emblazoned […]

Writers Spotlight: Emma McClain

Red was finishing up the closing ritual at the M3 Coffee Shoppe when she noticed a lady out on the patio with her feet pulled up in the chair and a journal on her knees. She recognized the poet’s pose and wandered out to see what Emma McClain was writing in her version of Mantra’s […]

Writers Spotlight: Ann Uhry Abrams

Red nearly dropped an entire tray of blueberry cream stuffed croissants on the floor when she heard a woman’s voice order a Coca-Cola at the counter. When she popped out of the kitchen to see Ann Uhry Abrams smiling at the cashier, she told someone else to grab the tray to put in the display […]

Writers Spotlight: Lisa Neumann

Morning rush at the M3 Coffee Shoppe was beginning to die back, when Red saw a familiar group stroll in the door. Lisa Neumann had a stack of books on the table to share with them all. Red wanted to grab her to see what was brewing between the worst of and best of Lisa.

Writers Spotlight: Rick Daley

Red was beginning to wonder if today was an unannounced holiday for the vertical height challenged as she filled her 300th order for hot chocolate, whip and cinnamon. Her heels gave her just enough height advantage to see over the throng of hats. She spied Rick Daley in the first booth signing copies of his […]