All posts tagged Month of Prompts

Prompt: Box on the Doorstep

valentine gift box

Most people cannot stand the trudge to the mailbox because it rarely holds surprises and nearly always holds demands. A box on the doorstep is the complete opposite.

Prompt: Last Meal

black tablecloth

If I was on death row, I can bet I had a long time to plan my last meal. I asked others this question a long time ago, but I never answered for myself. Here goes in seven courses.

Prompt: Fun Date

buffalo nickel

Confidence is attractive. Humor is attractive. I am confident in my ability to be a fun date.

Prompt: 2020 status updates

facebook icon

Let’s get into the time machine and see what you can expect to see on social media in 2020.

Prompt: Stripper Songs

The Empty Stage

Memes the internet over proclaim every woman has at least one song which turn her instantly into a stripper. Never fear, guys have songs which make their clothes fall off, too. How about five?