All posts tagged society

Saturday Evening Post

Venti Latte

To say this week was eventful would be such a sublime statement as to convince one mountains were moved hourly by everyone. Yes, some people do. I happen to be one of them. Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. The wind has died back to a pleasant breeze. Let’s talk.

Letter to Santa

Dear Nicky, As resident intermediary, I have asked for the same thing for a lot of years, so this year I am not sending my standard letter. Instead, I am going to ask for something entirely different. I will keep it brief.

Saturday Evening Post

red wine glass

For the first time since M3 was born, I have no energy for a post. If you would like to hear the tale, please, grab a cuppa and snuggle in. The temperature will be dropping soon, so do pick up a blanket.


Mantra is tired of romance and blog hops and Follies and everything else being on the wrong day, so she has hijacked today. You have been warned.


Clyde had the lot of us wondering about dystopia on the SEP. Rightly so. Before we can get to the point where we define dystopia, we have to set some standards. Applying the standards is the easy part. We all know how easy judgments can be. Or are they?