All posts tagged truth

Saturday Evening Post

In my ongoing effort to stop being a slacker, here we are on a foggy Saturday. Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. Seems Clyde has something to say which is likely to preempt what I had planned for today. Pushy orang.

Shoot to Kill

Red Dwyer

An idle mind often leads to an overactive mouth. “Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people.” ― Socrates

Muse for Monday

What is there about wolves which make them believe we do not notice how their wool coats hang funny?

Houston, we have a problem.

Halloween Jason Myers

Despite a million odds in my favor, I have problems. Admittedly, first world problems, but one in particular spans the economic and status planes to be just human.

Not Meme

Fractal Art

Memes are all the rage. On social media, they garner “friends” by the thousands, and people tune in to hear their drama du jour. How about some abject honesty?