Newsflash: Error Resolved?

This is merely a test of the post system. If you had been having errors loading or commenting on any post on M3, it should be resolved at this juncture. If you have a problem with this or any other post, please let me know. Guess how it was fixed.

The most recent update was the answer from WP to the problems everyone was having, despite the press release saying:

Better handling for plugins or themes loading JavaScript incorrectly.”

The solution, as bloggers expected, lay in the log in. After combing code (one of the things I abhor the most) for more than two hours, I determined it was not me (as in my coding), M3, M3’s theme or M3’s plugins which were the problem. The information WP was sending to M3 about who YOU are was the problem.

Do not feel singled out. It was sending the same screwy information about who I am to M3, which was causing me problems posting and commenting back.

For future reference…

In the event you ever have the slightest problem accessing any of the 550 current pages, or any subsequent page, of M3, please let me know. Comment on a post or send me a message. You can use the Ask Momma feature to let me know or (in the event it does not work) send me an email.

The entire point of coming to M3 is to enjoy yourself. Slow loading and broken pages are counter-intuitive to such enjoyment.

Check out yesterday’s posts…they should be working now.

Writer’s Spotlight: Karen Jourden (an M3 first!)

Fast Forward (This is just fun!)


I am eternally grateful for the time and efforts you put into M3. Your interaction with the site and its authors is tantamount to its success. Thank you for all you do for M3.

Red Signature

(c) Ann Marie Dwyer 2012
Re-Blogging of this or any other post on Momma’s Money Matters
is expressly forbidden.
Copyright and Privacy Policy available
in The Office. 
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  1. Yes I just noticed the comma in this one, however it still added the comment here whereas in the rest it is a dot and didn’t work 🙁

    Those andro51 one’s will just send anyone using them to a page where it announces that the Space is deleted 🙁 So I will be losing quite a few friends I think, well unless they read the e mail that I sent to everyone today 🙂

    Have a lovely time later Red 😉

    Androgoth XXx

    • I would hope not! My comment (is not WP) is smart enough to go by your email, no matter what website you put in…

      I got right there with the three in place of the one…I hope others find you out and about commenting and follow you back to your place. Cheers for a fab weekend, Andro 😉

  2. Hello. Comment test 🙂
    Angela Young recently posted..The Writers Journey: A Book BeginsMy Profile


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