The 15th Day of Christmas

So, I was doing what I always do, when it was time to check the comments and emails. And what to my wondering eyes did appear?

Versatile Blogger Award

M3’s 8th

I am certainly feeling the love! The Scribbling Hermit (I call her Hermie.) is a new blogger who started about the time I did. Already, Hermie has racked up three VBAs. You definitely need to check out the blog, folks!

You all know this drill…seven secrets about moi and fifteen bloggy winners. Since I handed out eight awards for Christmas and the majority of my bloggy friends have gotten a VBA in the last month, I am going to cut a few corners and name seven blogs after my seven secrets.

*Takes deep breath* Here goes nothing.

1. Oscar the Grouch

Oscar the Grouch-My Green Hero

Oscar the Grouch-My Green Hero

Of all the Sesame Street Gang (and I remember when Susan was a twenty-something), my favorite has always been and shall ever remain Oscar the Grouch.

Regardless of what situation arose, he was there to point out the lunacy of the entire calamity and in a MacGuyver-ish way (while MacGuyver was still playing with Star Wars action figures) recycling something into the perfect solution to save the day… Even if Big Bird thought his solutions stunk, literally and figuratively.

Oscar, you are my Green (in more ways than one) hero.

2. I am a sheep.

Regardless of how many Twitter, Facebook and G+ followers I have, there are just over 100 people who follow this blog. Not deterred by the unrequited love, I follow more than 280 blogs, which I read faithfully. Even when I do not comment or like, I am there in my wooly stalkiness.


This does not deter me a mite. The thousands of hits I get each week are from the many who are just not willing to give another website their email addies. Aren’t bookmarks a grand thing? I tip my beret to you all who make this blog fun to write and discuss and promote and argue!

3. I like needles.

Oh, you are such a bunch of assumption artists! Not hypodermics. Beading needles. I create jewelry and ornaments with 2mm beads (they are T.I.N.Y.). It is therapeutic (and occasionally masochistic) to create using such microbial media.

Sometimes, I double the needles and crochet the tiny little gems. Or sew them onto purses, shoes, bags, pillows, table cloths, home decor, backpacks, clothing, scarves, are you getting this? And there is a triple threat, but I like to keep that in the drawer.

4. I will be finding a new home for everything I got for Christmas.

English: Uploaded from : http://upload.wikimed...

I got shirts and suits and PJs and stinking cute booties and sweaters and not a single thing fit me… well, except for the diamonds… which I am keeping.

The only one in the family smaller than I is my seven-year-old. By the time she is big enough to wear them this summer, it will be too hot. There are plenty of potential candidates for my Christmas goodies… from all the loving people in my life who are convinced I am twice the size I am (or bigger).

5. My watch rarely has the correct time.

I do not keep a schedule with a clock. I write in advance and schedule my posts (otherwise they would show up eight on one day and nothing for the next three). Gobs of pretty watches line my bathroom shelf. I wear them because they match my outfit.

Merriam Webster LogoMy alarm goes off to tell me I have ten minutes to leave the house before I will be late to church, and I often am anyway. (Waits for audience to affirm lack of holy punctuality.)

Other than that, you will see me when I get there, for I am not in a hurry. There are many roses to smell along the way, and my picture is beside Merriam Webster’s fashionably late entry.

6. I should have been born a mermaid.

If left to my own evolution, I would have webbed feet (or a tail), gills and fins. I can sleep in the bathtub for hours (or all night), warming the water without waking myself. I can swim for miles. I prefer my seafood raw.

The only mermaid-ish thing I cannot do is secret number 7.

7. I could not carry a tune on sheet music in a bucket.

English: sheet music

Undeniably, I have the worst voice in human history. Fran Drescher could learn how NOT to speak from me. Apply my nasally, little girl voice* to music, and you have the world’s finest recipe to call vultures, for surely something is dying in my general vicinity.

*I once called the police to report a gunman in my neighbor’s yard (her son, go figure). The officer, in his best Daddy voice, said, Can you please put an adult on the phone, honey? As I recall, the string of obscenities which answered his query questioned whether or not his parents were ever married and if his scent was from rolling in it or secreted.

On to the awards!!!

The following blogs (in alphabetical order) bring me joy and irritation, humor and sarcasm, hope and despair, and I hope they do the same for you!

Antigone’s Clamor

A genuine philosopher with a comic bent who frequently tells it precisely as it is without clubbing you over the head with it. She is another thinker, like I am. Worth every single word.

Life is a Bowl of Kibble

Whether it is a photograph of a road runner or the latest in the battle between man and machine, you are going to find something in the bowl worth eating. Promise.

Liquor Store Bear

Now there is something amazing about a cuddly bear who can write social commentary amid reviews of wines and spirits from around the globe. He may need your help opening the bottle, but he shares.

Ramblings of an Angry Middle Age Woman

Her disclaimer says you probably already thought about it, but I highly doubt your first instinct was to take it from her perspective. Wow!

Refrigerator Magnate

Self-proclaimed stuff your fridge may like, this one will surely not leave you cold. Take the picture with or without the caption, but to lose the caption would be such a shortchange.

Strum und Mom

Happily married with 6 children… and are you ready? Residually cynical. You would be amazed what children can teach you. Remember, even the guy at the water cooler is someone’s unclaimed child.

Wondering Through Life

Not a typo. There is a lot of wonder in her world. And a lot of blogs, but that is another story entirely. Identify with the everyday struggles we have all faced at one time or another, and get your reality checked.


This list of secrets and fabulous blogs comes to you compliments of The Scribbling Hermit. Stop by her place, too, and leave a comment or seven.

Thank you for traveling Air M3. I hope you have enjoyed your flight. Please stow your tray tables as the attendants prepare to disembark. This is Red, your captain, speaking.


© Red Dwyer 2011
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  1. Here’s my list! 🙂

    My favourite Muppet has to be sweetums – big, hairy, and lovable!!!

    I follow a few blogs, but I have limited it as I now get some 200 emails per day!

    I burned my hands when I was a kid so I have a poor sense of touch
    unless my hide is punctured – Ow!!! LoL!!!

    I got money this year, so I plan on buying goodies when I go shopping tomorrow! 🙂

    I have two watches – neither of them work.

    Mermaid huh? 🙂

    I enjoy a bath, but unfortunately every time I go for a soak there’s a knock at the door…

    Thanks for the rundown Red – I too have a voice that could grate cheese at 100 yards, but in church nobody notices!!! 🙂

    Love and squishy hugs!


  2. Hahhaha hermie! Makes me laf anyway a well deserved award! 🙂 i enjoy visiting ur site 🙂

  3. You made my day, Red! Beneath my fur I’m blushing (and flushing perhaps). Loved the 7 secrets about you! I guess I should get working on my nominations…if only I weren’t so drunk 😉

  4. I’m a reality check? Coooooooooool. Seven secrets? I can do that as soon as I stop being held hostage by princess puzzles. How many blogs?

  5. Should be fifteen, but how every many you can muster 😉

    • how in the world did you get the green blogger image up there??

      • Right click on it. Copy Image URL. Click insert media button at the top of your Add Post box. Click the URL tab. Add URL and caption (choose a link or no link). Click Insert Into Post.

  6. Congratulations……. 🙂

  7. You deserve the award Red, and Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I always love your comments! You rock!



  8. Can’t wait to check the blogs out. I’m running a bit behind in my reading, but I will catch up soon.

  9. Thank you very, very much for thinking of me!
    You are so kind (you totally made my day/week/mon…)!
    I have to challenge your assertion to worst voice in human history status, though. Maybe we should start a vocally challenged band?

    • I think that sounds entirely hysterical. We could all wear matching headphones so we could not hear one another!! 😉

  1. I’m a Reality Check « Wondering Through Life

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