Recognition, Reprisal and Redemption?

Many a writer has lamented the lack of recognition in our industry. Many writers can wallpaper their offices in rejection letters. A handful enjoy unabashed fame with scores of accolades. I am in a small minority somewhere in between.


M3 Wins

Earlier this week, I was awarded an accolade from a fellow blogger. She saw potential in my little blog, with its eclectic, prolific posts. You can check it out and learn a little about me, the wacko with the blog, with the link above.


My colleagues at another site nominated me to win an award yesterday. To win, I need my followers and fellow bloggers to visit the link above and vote for my hub, “Parents Burying Children Is Unnatural” in the third section’s voting box (Health).

Ballot Box showing preferential voting


Readers only have a finite amount of time, so writers are expected to keep it short and simple. My hub is neither. I have found my competition not only to be formidable in terms of writing caliber, but also in sneakiness. You see, those who are voting for them are voting down my hub.

If you please…

If you make the trip to see what the buzz is about, please click on the link to actually read my piece. Above the comments section are buttons where you can vote it up or down and leave an automated opinion (funny, interesting, useful, awesome, beautiful). I would be honored if you left me a comment.


Today, a long-time colleague of mine, who has written hundreds of thousands of words, told me, “Words suck.” Such a strange thing to read from a fellow writer. Yet, in that tiny sentence was held something as powerful as anything he had ever told me in print or by mouth. Our words carry the ability to impart knowledge, emotion and passion. Contrary wise, they have the ability to fail to address knowledge, emotion and passion.

Your Turn

Take a moment to see if words fail either me or you.

Until next time,


I want to thank the readers who have already gone to vote, read and rate. You have managed to negate the loss of rank and raise the Hub score five additional points from where it began when it was nominated! Voting continues until Wednesday. Please share this post with your friends! (All those cute little buttons above the comment section I know you already pressed!)

© Red Dwyer 2011
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  1. James Parsons

     /  November 25, 2011

    I, believe that I have read every blog that you have written. I have not found any that where off course, in which what the blog was about. You as a writer know that there are people out there that will try to out do you or undermined you, know matter how good your stuff is.There will always be jealous people out to get you, you need not think about them and keep writing your heart out. You write with compassion, emotions, and most of all the knowledge of which your speaking. Keep up the great work Red, because you will always get my vote.

    • Thank you. I have no intention of hanging up my keyboard. I have been pounding at it for decades. Still, it never ceases to amaze me the lengths to which people will go to undermine someone else in an effort to make themselves feel/look/seem better. Red.

  2. My latest post shows that words did not fail me today. Just remember jealousy brings out the worst in people.

  3. awarewriter

     /  November 25, 2011

    Just keep on writing Red. The sneaks don’t matter and the real accolades are the ones we recognize deep within ourselves. You knew what you wrote was real. Your friends recognize your ‘realness’ so who cares about the sneaks, they only demean their writing. We recognize. Good writing will rise to the top despite the mean clicks.

    Where has Eudora Alice Welty been all my life? I discovered this wonderful woman’s writings the other day. (Her books have been on my shelves for years — hangs head in shame.) How about these words from her memoirs:

    “In those days, the dark was dark. And all the dark out there was filled with the soft, near light of lightning bugs.”

    Take that, you lightning bug you!


    • *wags tail* I know. Just makes me scratch the noggin. How blooming low does one have to feel to denigrate someone else? You know, maybe better than most here, precisely, and I mean E.X.A.C.T.L.Y., how snake-like I can be: serpentine, agile, wickedly quick and venomous. Yet, Momma Bear never bares her claws or teeth except in defense.

      No wonder I am a good hunter: I only eat what I kill. I only kill what I eat.

      Evil Grin,

  4. awarewriter

     /  November 25, 2011

    I just sent you an email with a film clip that’s perfect for you Momma Bear.

  5. James Parsons

     /  November 26, 2011

    That clip was truly awsome, great one John.

  6. There are a few of you here in this thread (and elsewhere around M3) who are enjoying, needing, regretting, being miffed by…the marriage advice. If this applies to you, would you give me some Klout? If you would, anything except Helium 🙁

  7. Sis — why care? While I know the answer in my heart I still have to ask the question. Each time we take the time, our valuable and precious time, to put words paper (metaphorical) we give a piece of ourselves. Certainly we would hope others would take the time to read, comment maybe even give us an accolade now and then. But, so many won’t and some will even use the net to do small harms thinking they are shielded by anonymity.

    So, why care? Between us we likely have close to 10,000 ‘friends’. How many of them read our posts and comment? Even family and IRL friends often can’t be bothered.

    So sister girl, it hurts but shield your heart. Gird your loins for battle. Your words have such power and such meaning, those that do take the time to read are touched and learn. Those that do take the time to read will always do you honor.

    • Oh, my sister, I know. It is the fundamental romantic in me (Don’t snicker, please.). I would so love for humanity to just one stinking time redeem itself. My friends, and I am so very fortunate to have quite a many, are the source of my redemption. In them, I find the qualities I truly wish were pervasive in our downtrodden, morally bankrupt society.

      If it is of any comfort, many many many have come to at least rubberneck, but not throw rocks. Ironic, after all these years I can still be so sensitive.

  8. Ah, words … If I could only put down more! My brain thinks too fast. The problem with writing for pay for an audience is that you have to write what they want, not what you want. It’s why I have blogs.

    • I HEAR THAT! I am so grateful I am able to be as creative (or not) as I like here! It is ok every now and then to write for someone else, but this is far superior a choice! And I love your blogs 🙂 Red.

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