All posts for the month November, 2011

I will NOT eat that.

If you missed the beginning of this, please read the instructions FIRST.

So, What Do You Want To Know?

Top 15 Questions to Ask Friends Questions for friends change over time. The first questions are a line of discovery to gauge the validity of the friendship connection. As friendship matures, questions move friends closer together on a path or guide them apart. In the end, questions keep friends cordial even when a distance, physical or emotional, […]

When All Else Fails…

Peanut Butter

…Read the Instructions. This very enlightening communication exercise goes along with the communication series for the last week-ish. You will need a piece of paper and a writing implement to begin.

Thanks! I, um, love it?

Follow The Steps So here is the step-by-step on re-gifting: 1. Receive the unwanted gift with grace and thanks. 2. Always re-gift to the giver. If this person is not a trained re-gifter, explain. So much thought went into choosing the gift, it would be unfair for the gift to be wasted by you. 3. […]

Happy Birthday, Dammit.

My husband and I were an exercise in opposites attract. Where he hated birthday celebrations, I will always celebrate my birthday. I have more reasons to celebrate than he ever had reasons not to, which is why we always celebrated his, too! Where’s the box? After that, a package from my mother arrives, perfectly on time, […]