Only One

Puzzle Piece

We did the Widowed Blog Hop, and you read Killing Us Softly. You got to know the part of me which dealt with becoming a widow. Most of you looked on with my train wreck fascination¹. What we have never discussed is singleness.

What or how?

“It is not what you say; it is how you say it.” ~ Russell Dwyer “Horse pucky.” ~ Sherman Potter

What is proper?

“A tea party on the ceiling. I ask you, a tea party on the ceiling?” Well, what say you?

How Are You So Calm?

Letter B

My answer to the question is nearly always: Better living through pharmacology. It is not always true, despite eliciting a smile, chuckle or mood-altering laugh.

What Were You Thinking?

Autistic Children

Have you ever heard this question? My answer is always the same.