No, not that going to the gym thing. Not even a Clyde thing. Just primal.
Ever come to a crossroads and have the urge to bellow? On one side, the world is its oblivious self, never noticing you exist. On the other side, the world is its self-absorbed self, never noticing your contributions. Behind you, the world is its resolved self, all the things which can never be changed even when you can learn from them. Before you, the world is its disinterested self, not caring how it influences you.
Standing in the middle of the road with nothing but decisions staring back, nothing but echoes filling the air, nothing but aloneness in the breadth of the crowd scurrying to all which is important, the only sound I want to make is one which grabs attention. Fire! Rape! Bomb! Open my throat and let the beastly rage escape through my mouth.
In the course of the last few weeks I have seen more people ignored, chewed up and spat out, bowled over, trod upon, tossed aside and left behind. The images from the M*A*S*H episode below have been echoing through my brain as a result.
Start at 21:50 (no thanks to WP for the upgrade to YouTube videos). (And since YouTube has deleted the official version of this look for Season 8 Episode 22 Dreams.)
However controversial the success of this episode may have been to M*A*S*H fans and critics, the underlying theme is the point at hand. When caught in the dream, we need that primal call to awaken us. Be it for action, change or retreat, we need the awakening to escape the clutches of a world consumed with its own existence.
We all have at least one. Most of us have a broad range of them. Some of us have an immense palette. Those talents are what differentiate us from one another. Argue all you like about physical differences making us different. The fact remains: Under the skin we are parts of a larger organism, identical to the naked eye, serving the same biological function of furthering the species. In our talents, we are different. We function at an aptitude others cannot.
Most of us embrace our talents. We transform them into life-sustaining occupations or fulfilling hobbies or crusades. Some of us eschew our talents in the desire they are never discovered. Fear of exploitation, repugnance for societal unacceptability or the simple fear of success makes us huddle in the dark, willing our talent to go unnoticed.
Will being successful bring more responsibility, cramp our carefree time, make us vulnerable? Or are we being intellectually dishonest?
Less Than?
Fear makes us believe we are less than those who judge us as lacking. Fear opens the soft spot of our souls for the world at large to be granted judgment. If we are honest about our talents, we see them objectively(ish).
The listener is often discounted as a person of passivity. A good listener is anything but passive. By listening, we hear the underlying emotions behind the words, identify the conflict beneath the issue at hand and restate what has been said so the speaker can hear the way it sounds. Making someone see the sequoia parked in front of the pine grove is active.
What about showing (showcasing) another’s talent? When we talk to others about what we cannot negotiate, we are failing to recognize, ignoring or denying our talents. Listener has the ability to see through the problem to help work out how our talents create the solution. Listener has more than one talent.
What about acceptance? Acceptance is a talent. Not everyone has it. In fact, many are so blinded by their own (problems, talents, interests) they are unable to fathom anyone can value something other than what they believe is important. Listener just accepted what we had to say without getting hung up on personal beliefs.
Now, what are we really doing? Let’s put those fears to bed by adopting listener’s attitude, recognition of our talents and endorsement. We are not less than at all.
Standing in the crossroads, we have to stand up against the tide of anonymous fear, rally our defensive listeners and verbalize the primal scream of awakening. We are enough. We are talented. We are going to succeed.
Do you know your talents? Are you able to stop judging yourself harshly? Can you be the person who sees others’ talents?
Hashtags: #success #fear #judgment
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Valentine Logar
/ March 12, 2015You could have been describing my world right now, that entire crossroads.
There are days I feel I am without talent, when I am stripped bare and lying on the road. I reach for what I know of me and pound my head into invisible brick walls demanding a return of my essentials from the universe, my primal scream….dammit give it back, it’s mine.
Valentine Logar recently posted..Our Apathy Pays Dividends
Red of M3
/ March 15, 2015That is a wonderful thing to scream. These days, I am awakening into a daydream. The fog is more than I can bear. xxx
/ March 12, 2015I guess I have a number of talents which are much underused!
As you say, I too am a good listener, councillor and (most important) a good friend to those who don’t abuse my trust! 🙂
Love and hugs!
Prenin recently posted..Wednesday – Snail Mail Ends!
Red of M3
/ March 15, 2015Listeners are often sold short. I appreciate those who listen to me… especially those still subscribed to M3. 😉
Gray Dawster
/ April 5, 2015LOL
/ March 12, 2015Madamoiselle le R0uge,
As are you, ’tis brilliant… just sayin’…
To answer the queries in green
Yes, and NO…
But, I’m still working on #3 to the extent I sometimes have trouble getting the ‘others’ to see their own talent(s)… mainly because they’re afraid to look at them…
Fear is a fearsome thing, to many…
gigoid, the dubious
gigoid recently posted..Prince Ea: Can We Auto-Correct Humanity? (3:27)
Red of M3
/ March 15, 2015The NO is completely within your purview, my dubious one. IJS xxx
/ March 12, 2015Fear is paralyzing, draining and blinding.
I am much better at seeing everyone else’s talents and possibilities. I was brought up to be humble but that doesn’t stop me from judging myself.
Tess recently posted..China 27: High anxiety
Red of M3
/ March 15, 2015I believe that humility is what causes us to judge ourselves so harshly. It has become more than just a theory as I have tested it. Mayhap, another post. Meanwhile, give yourself a break. You are a star. xxx
/ March 12, 2015Actually, I am very close to that You Are Here arrow.
I think most of us judge ourselves much more harshly than we would judge others. It’s a hard rut to get out of.
Red of M3
/ March 15, 2015Which ties in with what I told Tess. How close?
/ March 16, 2015Interesting, I never thought of it like that.
I’m about 45 miles from there.
Red of M3
/ March 31, 2015Day trip!
/ March 14, 2015Of course the video is not available. Is it Hawkeye’s dream?
Anyhow, I forgot what I was saying. I think that the elimination from people in my life is making it far better than I ever imagined. I think I figured out a way to manage even less stress, as soon as I hunt down the one who I will make the bargain with. Hopefully it is not selling my soul.
Red of M3
/ March 15, 2015Look again. I swapped it out for the original of the same video. May need it full screen to be able to see the inset.
Aye, hold onto the soul. xxx
/ March 16, 2015It says that the users account has been removed. UGGH.
Red of M3
/ March 16, 2015Not sure now… The videos were old enough to not be dropped. Who knows?
/ March 17, 2015He’s trapped, he can’t do what he’s supposed to. And the hell that surrounds his living nightmare has entered into his dreams to give him nightmares all day and night.
Laurie recently posted..Plans for the Week
Red of M3
/ March 31, 2015And unable to do anything to stop it. There are many times we are in that boat, singly or as a society. xxx
Gray Dawster
/ April 5, 2015We all have something good to offer and all it takes to be recognised is a bit of courage to bring it to the forefront, of course that doesn’t mean that it will be accepted by all, but trying is the main thing I think 🙂
Have a lovely Easter weekend Red 🙂
Andro xxx