All posts in category Parenting Tips

Little Hemingway

Parenting Your Child Writer Every parent would love to have a Pulitzer prize-winning child. How do you foster your child’s writing skills to produce a writer? Back to basics 1. A strong vocabulary is the first step. Your child should not only be able to guess a word when given the definition, but should also be […]

My Child, The Tycoon

Would you like to teach your child to build his very own nest egg? You can start securing your child’s wise use of money: teaching savings and exercising his math skills. Teaching money saving techniques to children may seem far removed from the parental focus, but failing to teach money value and saving early can […]

Who Asked You?

“Words are so cheap, they have been declared free,” author unknown.

Are You Qualified to Ask That?

There is never any warning as to what is going to be in the inbox. So, the question was: How do you know how many kids you should have?”

Single Parent Tips: Avoid the Morning School Rush

Pink NFL Helmet

It’s all in the timing.” Never has this statement been more true than trying to wrestle a toddler into shoes, a teen into consciousness and yourself into a pair of pantyhose in the morning before school. The morning school rush has new meaning for the single parent than when it did when there were two.