Cruel and Unusual

This week’s opening of the stupidest inbox in the blogosphere is a testament to Cruel & Unusual. Some of the cruelty, you know, is inherent in me. The unusual is a mix of mine and theirs. Are you ready for the 33rd edition of the Friday Follies? Drinks down!


If you were around for Clyde’s rant on the last SEP, you recall my prophesy someone would be calling me a black pot. To say it was accurate would be a disastrous understatement. How about 11 emails? Ready for a highlight reel? The hatemailers spanned the globe, including my largest audiences (US, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Philippines & Pakistan- I discount the Indian audience, as they are mostly spammers from Mumbai, accounting for an additional whopping 118 spam comments and emails.).

  1. Why is there no home button?
  2. What good is the contact form if you never do what I suggest? (My favorite!)
  3. If you are such a geat designer why dont your website sell something?
  4. Theres too much [expletive] here to find anything. You [expletive] about search when yours sucks. Who wants 50 posts when you search?
  5. This place is polluted with your [expletive]. You have no room to talk.

While the majority got a form letter thanking them for their support of M3, these got more personalized responses.

  1. I suggest the CTRL-+ option on your computer, as the home navigation button is only 300 x 900 pixels. I can see how your might miss it given its industry standard location as the header on every page.
  2. Perhaps, if your suggestions were not for me to emulate your blog and abandon all semblance of coherence, cohesion and cognizance, I may take them into consideration. The minimum requirements to advise M3 are: 1,000+ followers, 500+ posts, 10,000+ comments and/or 100,000 visits every six months. Please advise when you meet the threshold.
  3. It does.
  4. As a welcome side effect of having in excess of 550 posts, many of which were portions of serials, and a decided focus on the art and science of identity, psychology and friendship, the confluence of keywords benefits M3 in far greater measure than it inconveniences your search based on your inability to be specific.
  5. Thinking on Toilet

    Think About It

    Frequently, the blogosphere is the virtual location for graduates of the School of Hard Knocks, despite many of its denizens holding assorted degrees from traditional educational institutions. It is far more personal than the corporate world, while supporting same with striking accuracy.

    Perhaps, you would be better suited perusing the dictionary, as its focus is quite pointed and far less personal. On second thought, it may well cause you angst in its personal approach with illustrations and videos. You may be best suited reading in your own personal library, free of personal interference of your reading experience.

Yes, number two is a frequent hatemailer from France. To date, the eight suggestions from this former blogger have all been stellar examples of What Not To Do. Click the link to view the blog’s obituary under Strike Three.

Spam Bot

Warning: This is only a clone.

Spambot Honorable Mention

Also attached to the SEP, was one particular wiggler who came merely to tell me I would do very well to be partaking in phone therapy to help me cope with my anxiety and frustration, touting it as far more effective than drugs and anger management classes.

Why have phone therapy when I have blogosphere therapy? It is only second to retail therapy, which moves the whole phone sex therapy idea down to at least number six or seven on my most likely to choose this over professional help list.

Flash of Darkness

I must admit, I have been enjoying Flash in the Pan for more than just trying to stuff a story into an itty bitty box. This week’s flash was about an idea. Your answers for what Marvin was thinking were sinister and fun. Julianna, however, was convinced we were all in need of sensitivity training.

Hatemailing from King Edward’s Island, she took issue with the unnamed voice.

You really are cruel to be making fun of someone who obviously has schizofenia. The voices are in his head and he can’t help hearing them. You have to be more sensitive to the mentally handicapped. They are people just like you.”

As an admitted OCD and PTSD sufferer, to a small degree, she is correct. I got my own toothy, moldy squash grin.

My therapist advised me to attempt to walk in the shoes of another mental illness as an exercise to appreciate the benefits of my own. Since it represents such a large disruption of my normal brand of insanity, I really have to keep them short. Fortunately for me, my therapist has not noticed the serial killer theme. Silly doctor.”

*Feel free to insert maniacal laughter here.* Remember…


We had a great time with I love it when I win! More accurately, most of us did. The lone hold out was Isaac. Hatemailing from North Dakota, I am pretty certain he was looking for a Yeti.

Why you didn’t mark this blog as a comic is beyond me. I would never have come here. Like any animal has green hair.”

Scratch your head. I finally gave up after about 25 pages of finding our Bearman’s posts and comics. Just for kicks and giggles, I swapped to images and decided to send Isaac the picture he was really after:

Looking for a date for karaoke?

I can only imagine the editorial which could come of that…

The Freak Patrol

For honesty in advertising, let’s do a bit more on the unusual side (idly wonders if she can top the photo). Mantra took us to a slumber party on Monday. What can be deemed usual about this contestant is she is not alone at only reading the top screen of the post and never getting beyond the third paragraph. What is unusual is her vehement WEBSCREAMING opinion.

Hatemailing and webscreaming from New York City, Emily was a mite perturbed by Night Shift. (Caps removed for your viewing pleasure, otherwise unedited.)

There is nothing worth with ppl who wokr @ night. They are just like everybody else. They are not freaks, they just prefer to come out at niught so the lame [expletive] ppl who are so full of themselves will not laugh and point at them.”

I resisted the urge to ask some stereotypical questions as to her appearance and demeanor. Instead, this is your chance to sound off. What shall we send to our hatemailer from the city that never sleeps? Do you think we can package Isaac’s bearman?

A Second Thought?

The Thought Does Not Count stirred some hefty emotions and was cause for quite a bit of introspection from the M3 Readers, proving yet again how genial and compassionate you really are. The discussion which ensued was lively and prolific. One commenter, however, was intentionally left from the conversation whilst I verified bona fides.

Hatemailing from New Hampshire, Cris had other thoughts.

Why would you crush somebodys spirit like that? You are never suppost to tell somebody thier gift sucked or wasnt what youwanted. if you wanted something pacific you shouldve registered online and sent everybody cards. All your suppost say is THANKYOU and thenyour suppost to STFU. You probably laugh with your girlfriend about the stupid [expletive] you get that people give you. What a hartless [expletive] you are.”

This one sent my imagination around the bend. Let’s get interactive.

Apparently, you did not read the post, as its entire content addressed those to whom the saying ITTTC is ironic. However, I am prone to tell people precisely how much their gifts do suck. In fact, your grammar and hatemail to me suck enough I screamed, “Eureka!” when I got to the end. Thank you for your continued support of M3!


I attempted to run your hatemail through Google Translate to put it into English, but the language in which it is written is unrecognized. Could you supply the language so I can have it translated into something I understand? I would be more than happy to respond once I can understand your meaning. I adore being exposed to new language!


You have your oceans confused. I am on the east coast, not the west coast. You also seem to have your wildlife confused. I am not into deer or does. To be exact, I am into bears. See below.


Did I mention big claws and sharp teeth?

The Grammar Nazi.

Now, which one do you think I should send?

Blast from the Past

After a notable WordPress failure, I found there were people who were able to access the old M3. In specific, there were a number of blogosphere surfers who were researching Russian roulette and were led to Russian Roulette: An Introduction. If you have not been around long enough, please do take a moment to read it, as its contents will not be revealed by the hatemail from Jenny.

Our very late contestant hatemails nearly six months after the fact and from Mexico. Apparently, the rules of Russian roulette are not part of the general education curricula in our southern neighbor.

So how long does the game last?”

Were I unable to recall all of the participants of that particular post with the kind of visual which requires eye bleach, I may well be left to wonder if Jenny was not present. Since her hatemail was short, so was my response:

Depends on who goes first.


What shall we send to Emily, the night worker? Which response do you like best for Cris? What is at the top of your most likely to try before professional help list?

Guys and Dolls, I hope your week has been free of hatemail, loaded guns, anti-Nazism and hairy karaoke. From the stupidest inbox in the blogosphere, thank you for joining me tonight for the 33rd edition of the M3 Friday Follies.

PS Enter to win your copy of Emma’s book!

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
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  1. Laurie

     /  July 20, 2012

    I forgot their names but both should the night shift and the “pacific” should have the second one, they both need a translator to figure out what language they are speaking……and I think I’m missing something from Jenny’s hatemail……it seems more like a cry for help in the brains department…and next time Russian roulette comes up in conversation, I’m totally going to ask how the long the game last just to see how many people I get to stop talking to me.

  2. It’s certainly clear your hatemail fans not only have no life nor other inspiring interests, but appear to relish locking horns with you.

    Might there exist a gathering momentum of unhappy spammers willing to take you on in the hopes of achieving integrity within their numbers? (too funny)
    Tess Kann recently posted..IS a Picture WORTH a Thousand Words?My Profile

    • *Snort* That is grand! I must begin them a support group. (And in answer to the title of your post, I think the bearman is worth 1,000 words…not that I really know any of them, but…) <3

  3. You keep showing that Spambot, but he never really produces any Spam. He obviously needs a tuneup, so you should send him to me.
    Binky recently posted..Summer Trick or TreatingMy Profile

    • I have not put up my picture of the laptop with the spam port…I shall have to use it next time 😉

  4. Maybe you should use number three and then mention to him that you thought the motto for NH was “Live free or die” Not “Live free or lie”
    Derek Mansker recently posted..What He Could Have Said vs. What He Actually SaidMy Profile

  5. Red, all of these haters should be sent a nice picture of a teddy-bear without high heels, corset or whip. They clearly have no access to fuzzy-wuzzy, political correctness or a reliable supply of cookies. That’s the official position of the corner office.
    Send cookies with the picture. Not to them, silly, to me. “:))
    Raymond Alexander Kukkee recently posted..Consumer Alert: Ice Cream DeceptionMy Profile

  6. Bear

     /  July 20, 2012

    Uh it’s dark and time for giggle giggle work, stop talking to me… Someone may hear you shhhhhh. No, I think Chewbacca with heels on is soooooooooo sexy, what’s that you say? Kill who? No I can’t… I must not, stop noooooooooooooo. This was only a test.

  7. Bear

     /  July 20, 2012

    And it was Big Foot you dope!

  8. Hmmmm… Emily, you have an astounding grasp on diction, and I find it odd that you would feel that your worth is diminished and that people stare and point. By your excellent and empathetic description of the night people it appears that you are closely resembling one of them, maybe I am wrong but your knowledge of their reasons for choosing to come out seems to be first hand. Please, if you could be so kind as to send pics if any of them can be actually seen on film, that would be great. Thank you for your valued input and continued support. It’s readers like you that let me know I am doing all I can.

    Cris ; oh gosh Im rather partial to number one but there are merits to all three… I like them in order 1,2,3 except I adore the picture and its use of the polar bear.

    And uh yea Red, I have been meaning to talk to you about being a little nicer to us crazies.. we ARE people too see how that nice lady said mentally handicapped in reference ot the schitz..fenia.. wonder if she meant me too cause I have this voice in my head that laughs out loud (in my head) and I can;t help it. You shouldnt laugh with me so much it might confuse me.

    I am so very glad that you remind every week to put down the drinks.. this was fun .. a great Friday night amusement – not sure what that says about MY social life, this has me glad I stayed home., Love and Lizzie <3
    Lizzie Cracked recently posted..Your Reflection Mid-Afternoon Mental MomentMy Profile

    • Oh.My.Word! I can completely see me sending that to Emily. Look at the comments above yours. I use his profile picture quite a bit.

      And you know she meant me, too. I am probably the only person ever to advise people to talk to themselves. I am quite certain she is the flag bearer in some group.

      What does it say about my personal life??? Much love, Lizzie…and stuff. <3

  9. Ooh what to choose?!! 🙂

    I’d say number two, as they no speakada English!!! 🙂

    Amazing how truly witless these people are… 🙂

    Love and hugs!

    prenin recently posted..Friday – Quiet dayMy Profile

    • Some days, Pren, it is just so stinking hard to read! Did you register for the book? Hmm…I need to go check the entries this morning. {HUGZ} Red.

      • Hmmm. Which book?

        I don’t remember registering for anything unless I’m being incredibly thick! LoL!!!

        Book 3 ‘Far Traveller’ has reached Chapter 13 so I’m working out what to do next.

        The writing is challenging, but I’m loving it! 🙂

        Love and hugs!

        prenin recently posted..Friday – Quiet dayMy Profile

        • Click on the link in this post or in the upper right side bar. Emma’s book is up for grabs! I need to meet you in the inbox about books one and two 🙂

  10. Let’s see Clyde can also click the banner to go home, or the words at the top that say “welcome home”

    Love this “Why is there no home button?
    What good is the contact form if you never do what I suggest?” Wish my wife had a contact button if that truly worked.
    Bearman recently posted..Editorial Cartoon: Obama and Romney Censor ReportersMy Profile

    • I am fairly certain every Mate wishes that worked on their Mate. If I thought it would make the hatemail easier to sort, I would put up a complaint/suggestion form.


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