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It has come to my attention my alleged host is serving cached versions of M3. If you get this post via email, please come leave a comment. Even one word comments are enough. I am gathering evidence. Could you lend a click?
If you get to M3 and see this post organically, please also comment. I am gathering reports of M3 Readers seeing pages days late. Please help me nail this down.
I appreciate all you do for me and M3.
George Ford
/ November 4, 2012It took me about a minute before I was able to do any scrolling on your site, but that just may be me and my multi-tasking computer. I’ll try the subscribe and see what happens.
George Ford recently posted..AC Classic~ Voter Resignation
/ November 4, 2012That would be great. I know my multitasker gets in my way pretty often. I will see if I can replicate it here. If I can, I will fix it.