Muse for Monday

MantraWe are wrapping up the time management series tomorrow. The Blogging A to Z Challenge set our time table off just a hair, so this poem should have come after it was over. Instead, it is a foreshadowing of what will be revealed in the final segment. Are you ready to hear from Mantra tonight?

Time is very much a child. When we are not being mindful, it escapes us. It can hog our attention from the things we need to do, the things we want to do and the things we could do.

Time is a possession. We have it, albeit in a limited supply. We choose to use it, or we choose to let it go on its merry way without doing anything.

Mantra happens to think it is both.

The Search

We have all searched our schedules at some point looking for time to do something. Often, we find it easy, even if unpalatable, to find time for the have to do moments. We make time for the want to do moments.

How much time do you lose looking for things? We all know It is always in the last place you look. That is because you stop looking after you find it. It was right where you left it, which makes you feel like you have wasted the time you spent looking for whatever it is. The following ode is simply named Hunting.


Somewhere along the way in here,
It got misplaced amid the books
And the pads with pens and pencils.

Looking at the calendar now,
Not sure when the last time was
It showed its face or even peeked

Out from underneath the mountain
Of paper growing by the desk.
To find it will take sharpened skills.

It could not have gotten too far.
Maybe it is stuck in the drawer.
Or from the pencil cup it leaked?

I cannot believe it is lost.
We have to find it at all cost.

…not behind sheer organza.

Can’t believe it. Oh, what to do?
Help is needed. How about you?
Please hunt behind the credenza.

Maybe, in the filing cabinet.
On the bookshelf, it couldn’t be,
Check in that briefcase over there,

Its inner zippered pockets and
All of its hidden compartments.
It’s not behind sheer organza.

Have you searched through the car outside?
Did you empty out the trashcan?
We need it for us both to share.

How long have we been looking now?
We must find it soon. Tell me how.

It couldn’t be beneath the rug,
Only past ones are swept under.
Out of places for it to hide.

The keyboard tray is empty, and
The mouse steady blinks on its pad.
What’s this tucked in the office chair?

A bright orange note with letters
Written in your neat, printed hand.
“Good for one-ish hour beside

The only one who loves you most.
The schedule is cleared for you.
Bring your ideas with me to share.”

It’s time  to cash in the ticket
For time with you like I like it.


What do you waste the most time trying to find? Is there someone in your life for whom you rearrange your schedule? Do you have something specific which interrupts your schedule more than anything else?

© Red Dwyer 2012
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  1. I think we must all have those times where we misplace something, and then it is the almost frantic search until the item is found 🙁

    My schedule often gets interrupted by losing the track of time whilst writing, so many times I am late setting off somewhere because of this exact scenario but hey I always get there in the end 🙂

    A great poem, and a
    wonderful posting Red 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

    • Red

       /  April 2, 2012

      I would love to have back all the time I have lost looking for something I had put precisely where it belonged!

      I have often lost how hours researching and writing about what I was researching. I do not consider that wasteful. I consider what I have to edit out as time wasted 😉

  2. My sanity. But I think it’s hopelessly lost.
    Binky recently posted..Cosmic InsignificanceMy Profile

  3. I regularly misplace my entire life!
    valentinelogar recently posted..Trayvon and MeMy Profile


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