Yoke Doffed

The A to Z Challenge is over. (Click the link if you missed one or a bunch.) Some of your reactions and suggestions were simply amazing. No, not that Friday Follies kind of amazing. The I never really thought the M3 Readers would think of it that way kind of amazing.

It feels really good today to rearrange the furniture and get some of the things back in place around here. I am looking forward to getting back to some of the regular features which fell by the wayside over the course of the challenge. Especially, I am looking forward to the return of the Saturday Evening Post. I hated losing it to the Saturday post for A to Z.

I got it.

I know not everyone was thrilled when I announced we were going the path of psychology for the challenge. However, some of you came up with some brilliant ideas from it. My scribble sheet is filled with ideas which could viably take us all the way to the last post I have already scheduled…in September.

You awe and amaze me. Yes, yes. I am the analytic one of the bunch, but you have brought a humanity to what I have written. You are my oft missing softer side.

Can I tell you how surprised I was to hear, not one, not two, but eight of you suggest we do an A to Z every month? I think Andro would need to bring back his Machine Gun Blogger Award if I did that. Perhaps, we shall put it to a poll to see what topic and try it again later this year. Will that do?

Clear the Room!


Petulant, Incessant, ARGH!

Whom A to Z truly offended was Mantra. I have something of hers I have been staving for the last week. No, it is not a case of writer’s block. It is merely me refusing to open her book so she can finish. I will likely disappear this afternoon so she can put the finishing touches on something which has been forced into the wings for more than a week.

So, perhaps we shall not return to schedule as I had planned after all. Seems Talk Tuesday shall be put on a back burner to accommodate the incessant one.

Statistics and Numbers

April did not leave any conversation about blog goals and numbers. So, here’s a brief recap of where we got during the challenge and up to midnight today:

  • Words: 369,636
  • Comments*: Over 11,000
  • Hits: A touch over 62,500
  • Posts*: 452 (Now 453)
  • WP followers*: 181
  • Email followers: 53
  • Registered users: 32
  • Blog age: 6 months

I am going to need some of the WP followers to let me know if you are seeing M3 in your Read Blogs screen. Naturally, I cannot see M3 there…since it is mine.

And if you have been afraid to hit the Gimme Mine button for fear of an inbox flood, there are a number of people in the M3 Readers who can tell you, it only comes once a day…and some days, it does not come at all.

The stats with an asterisk are ones which are on target for this year’s goals. I am hoping to finish a few other projects so I can return to Story Time, which will put the word goal back within reach.


Thank You Card

Just a simple note…

I am not often prone to webscream, but Oh, my word! You have been so helpful in promoting M3! Please take a curtain call! Thank you for all the +1, tweets, dedicated posts, awards (I promise to get to the backlog!), Facebook likes (You are having some fun discussions!), love buttons and more!

If this keeps up, we will be back on track for the hits goal, even using WP  meager standards.


I must bid you adieu for the moment. The time has come for little ones, and the bell will soon toll for a domestic chore…the baking of a birthday cake. See you this evening when I let Mantra out of the lantern to flit across the page…provided she does not add another 400 words to it before we are finished!

Almost forgot…

We have added a new member to the family! Say hello to Beau.

All dogs should read.

Little V is teaching him about the damage man does to the planet with wasteful practices. Never too little to learn conservation!

Too bad the book did not show how many accidents puppies have before they are potty-trained. That is the book I need to find for him to read!


Which was your favorite A to Z post? Have you ever potty-trained a pet? Shall we let Mantra out of the lantern more often? Who wants a slice of birthday cake?

(c) Red Dwyer 2012
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  1. Wombies’ Beach Party | Momma's Money Matters
  2. Saturday Evening Post | The M3 Blog

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