All posts tagged Lizzie Cracked

Help @LizzieC Win!

Red Dwyer

Guys and Dolls! Lizzie Cracked entered yours truly’s mug into a contest for International Women’s Day!

How Shall I Care For Thee? Let Me Count The Ways

Hello again everyone!  So nice to see you  and to be up here again at M3. I do see most of you everyday anyways but down there. It’s a whole other world up here, not that it is better than down there amongst you. Just different POV and sometimes it’s good to get out and […]

Mental Moment for Monday

As you all know I have been running from pillar to post (figuratively and literally) to get Mantra’s book where it needs to be and ready for everyone to grab their copy by the end of this month. You also know my one of gal pals, Lizzie, has been in the trenches with me. So, […]

Lizzie’s Mental Moment

One of my favorite places to hang out is Running Naked With Scissors, and its companion site Artsy Brain Fartsies, both run by the incomparable Lizzie Cracked. Her signature feature is the Mental Moment. She has graciously offered to guest post a special mental moment about friendship on M3.  With no further ado, meet my […]