Our lovely Mantra is quite the firebrand tonight. She seems to have had enough and dressed for the occasion.
Our lovely Mantra is quite the firebrand tonight. She seems to have had enough and dressed for the occasion.
Before you conjure pictures of owls, stacks of ancient tomes and philosophers in togas, know we are going to look at a lesser known version of wisdom. Discovery is always fun. Did you have any idea being able to discover is wisdom? Yes, we are going to tie all the alphabetic posts together. Neatly.
Cited as one of the major causes of divorce is ignorance about marriage. In no other arena (except parenting) is anyone rushed or encouraged to enter without full disclosure of the responsibilities, dangers and benefits. Why then do couples rush to the altar?
…or The Birthday Present. Did you read Buzzzzz? Those of you who know me in real life, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google+ and a choice few other websites insistent on displaying birth dates knew before the post went live today is my birthday. Those of you who clicked on the link at the end […]
The number one concern at an introduction is to make the right impression. This takes a three-pronged approach.