For the first time in weeks, I was not up for the sunrise either because I was already or still up. The sun presented itself this morning during my slumber. A lot has happened this week. Clyde is chomping at the bit. Grab your cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. Let’s talk.
Saturday Evening Post
Strength & Weakness: His vs. Hers
The top three categories to measure strength and weakness were the same for men and women. The fourth was entirely different, but the last one was similar. Society defines strength in men and women very differently despite giving the same name to each category.
Strength & Weakness: His
Yesterday, we looked at strength and weakness in women. Do we have the same definitions when they apply to men? Strong Men We all conjure an image when someone says “strong man”. Is the first image which comes to mind a body builder or one like this? Or do you see the strong man sitting […]
M3’s First (Ever) Super (Duper) Cool Blogging Award
Mommy Said A Swear Word bestowed a fab blogger award on me! Check it out: