For the first time in weeks, I was not up for the sunrise either because I was already or still up. The sun presented itself this morning during my slumber. A lot has happened this week. Clyde is chomping at the bit. Grab your cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. Let’s talk.
Unless you have been in a coma or not on any social media platform this week, you heard the announcement I published a new book this week. The numbered copies are only available to the first hundred buyers. When I am dead, it will make them collector’s items. IJS
Another book which went to press is from a new RedmundPro author, Gordon Andrews. You should be seeing him around in due course with his book Love Letters From Oz. I worked on the inside and outside of this one. Liz and I burnt a gallon of midnight oil to finish the cover.
If you have not been out to see where I have been this week, you missed some great interviews about some varied subjects…just like my growing book collection. Be sure to stop by the Book Tour to see where I will be appearing next week. Below the calendar are the direct links to where I have been.
I am on track for the April release of Charitable Darkness, the sequel to Darkness Introduced. For all of you claiming I am prolific… guilty. Not like this should be a surprise…
Over the next few weeks, The M3 Blog is returning to its roots. We will be discussing some money matters and some of the fundamentals of Mate and Quaint. For the newcomers, stop by The M3 Players to see who we discuss. You know them, just perhaps by different names.
There are a few who are going to be contributing to this production. Clyde is going to kick off a new series tonight and Laurie Childree, author of Moments, Money & Memories, will be posting. If you would like more details on how to contribute, grab the SIB through the Ask Momma page.
Right Turn, Clyde!
One subject which has been stuck in the orang’s craw has been the inequity between the sexes. No, we are not going on an ape-led feminazi march. No, we are not discussing equal opportunity. No, we are not even going to discuss holding doors open.
Clyde has a problem with gender roles. With the sole exception of giving birth, there is theoretically nothing to which one gender may lay specific claim. (Please hold all comments about Thomas. Please.)
Each society chooses its margin for which sex will take on which roles. This standard applies to all animals, not merely humans.
Felines: The male serves the purpose of protection of the pride and sire. The females do all the work, from birth to hunt.
Bees: Females run the entire hive from production to mating and push the drones out to freeze in the winter when food stores are low. They save just enough hormone to produce more males in the spring to begin the fertilization process again.

Anglerfish: Males are born without a digestive system. They attach to a females, literally, by biting and releasing an enzyme which melts her skin and his body. Like a tumor on her body, the remains of the male produce hormones when insemination time rolls around. Anglerfish are all female.
But he said…
Where in the course of humanity did someone decide the testosterone vehicles were the head of everything? Why am I seeing no hands raised? Oh, right. There is no answer to this question because it is not a universal human truth.
The Mosuo of China are a completely matriarchal society. Their language has no words for father or husband, as marriage is not a concept they employ.
The Iroquois are a matriarchal tribe. While their sachems (chiefs) are men, the women decide who is chief. He is a lot like the Queen of England.
The Marumakkathayam are an Indian culture whose matrilinear practices allow only women to own land.
In the Minankabau society of Sumatra, the man is delivered to his new bride with his dowry… by her women kin.
Yeah, but…
Why do we not recognize the names of the matriarchal societies? Unlike patriarchal societies, which are definitive in their stance men rule over women, matriarchal societies are better described by their employment of gylany, which is an egalitarian state promoting equality rather than rule.
Enter Ape
What has Clyde’s knickers in a knot is the notion men and women should have the cajones to dictate to one another who should be in what role based solely on their genitalia. For example(s)…
Woman’s Work
Really? Experience shows men are equally equipped to such tasks as sewing (Yves St. Laurent), cooking (Emeril Lagasse) and cleaning (Jack Bates).
Man’s Job
Really? Experience shows women are equally equipped to such professions as astronautics (Sunita Williams), comedy (Wanda Sykes) and math (Danica McKellar, yes, Winnie Cooper).
Every field is littered with examples of men and women who excelled in areas cordoned off for one gender, specifically the one opposite their own.
If men and women can do the same jobs, why do we as a race still abide the discriminatory behavior of segregating ourselves to the exclusion of the results possible with a gylanic society in which men and women are on equal enough footing to produce better living arrangements for everyone involved?
It is enough to make an ape wonder.
Until next time,
I hope you have had a terrific week, caught this month’s Hot Flash and are ready to face a new week with a grin. Answer any of the questions Clyde brought to the table. Do bear in mind I will curtail arguments about religion and politics on the basis it offends far more than it convinces.
Hashtags: Thank you for sharing this post with the hashtags #equality #women #society
/ March 3, 2013Having had experience of working with power mad women (I got the Job of Chair of the T&RA because they thought I was a pushover) I am in no doubt as to who is in charge – they just don’t want to do the job… 🙂
Love and hugs!
prenin recently posted..Saturday – More work looms.
/ March 3, 2013I have no idea what that means.
/ March 3, 2013Who knows why this still happens? BUT…..I’m starting to understand why some female insects and spiders kill and eat their mates.
/ March 3, 2013And their young.
/ March 3, 2013This is a subject I feel like I am twirling and toiling more often than not. I’m working on my dissertation, as you well know, and I’m writing about the role of women, and asking why they have become the “new majority faculty” – i.e. the new higher ed faculty that are part-time, contingent, contracted without job security, benefits, academic freedom and on and on and on. The answer is simple….basic socialization and perceived value of both the ability of the woman and the perceived value of the current professoriate. Sad. Real. I’m working on it…..
Candy recently posted..A Lesson Repeated is a Lesson Unlearned
/ March 3, 2013If you have not looked up Danica, do. You will find good research attached to finding her math brain attached to a body with ovaries. Research proves women are just as apt in math and science as men. You will find the tenure issues in the charters for the universities. 🙂 Great to see you today. xxx
/ March 4, 2013“Mate and Quaint” first I have to know what it means before I can join the discussion
Bearman recently posted..Takei – Definition
/ March 6, 2013I think that series was before you came along.
Tess Kann
/ March 5, 2013I don’t have an answer for why. Women may have come a long way (and I’ve seen a lot of the changes in the past fifty years) but being equal as logical thinking implies–not yet. I wonder if ever.
To steal a line,’ a rolling stone gathers no moss’ or something like that, is a perfect example of Red. Congratulations on another publishing feat.
Tess Kann recently posted..Sunday Snippets – Blog Hop #6
/ March 6, 2013Thank you. If I was ever still, someone would haul me off to university. One hope I do have is in studying my pieces parts they figure out which part of the brain is the motivator. I have been told mine is larger than everyone else’s. 🙂