All posts tagged Spam

You have the wrong number.

Over the course of the last five years, I have gotten more than a few dozen wrong numbers dialed to me at all hours of the day and night. Between looking for cars for sale or miscreant children, the callers were mostly apologetic for assuming my name was Sean or Camisha or Paul, who I […]

A Meat Alternative

In a day which has been riddled with snark both on M3 and IRL, and a nap instead of more snark, I decided I may as well end the day with some humorous snark from the spam net. The irony is entirely too rich for me to merely let the detestable little bugs swirl down […]

The Root of All Evil

Now, I know Money is the center word in the header for M3 (at least for now). This graphic in combination with You need to start tomorrow. brought a woman from Arizona to call in the inbox to say, stop telling people to save money. people don’t need to be saving money. they need to […]