Bell South. How may I help you?
Over the course of the last five years, I have gotten more than a few dozen wrong numbers dialed to me at all hours of the day and night. Between looking for cars for sale or miscreant children, the callers were mostly apologetic for assuming my name was Sean or Camisha or Paul, who I believe has no idea what his telephone number really is…since he routinely gives out mine.
I began to realize a trend which resembles the wrong numbers on my telephone in my spam filter. There are a number of spam mails which were erroneously sent to me. I need to return them to their rightful owners.
Grammar Nazi
If you have been in the audience long enough, you have already been introduced to one of my long term titles: Grammar Nazi. This is not a singular title, but rather, one I share with many other self-described curmudgeons around the blogosphere.
When I got the following spam hatemail, I was not certain it had been misdelivered to M3:
I put instant coffee in a microwave and almost went back in time.”
It had attached itself to Saturday Evening Post ~ Rain Delay. I thought for a moment I had finally received the mother of all spam…a snarky bot. To be fair, I opened it *hangs head* before I realized it was not for me. Alas, my discovery was merely pyrite.
Why am I certain it was misdelivered? It originated from a blog claiming to be the authority on formal email. (Go ahead. Scratch your head.) Here is a very small excerpt from the blog designed to make your email etiquette compliant and grammatically formal:
E-mail to send us either a daily reality – we send them both for work purposes, and private. Ever, the most important means of communication was a handwritten letter, was strict etiquette and conditions, and what to write. The Internet and e-mail, although quite a new phenomenon, however, requires a certain label be followed.”
Before my eyes bleed any more, I am forwarding this to Rogers at The Writing Rag for dissection, parse and the penultimate in editing.
No Photos, Please
There is no ego stroking quite as sublime as having someone come up to you and ask for your autograph. Normally, before I sign one, I ask from where the person knows me. It is the only way I know which name to sign on the card. Unlike my daughter, who was a dead ringer for Lindsay Lohan in The Parent Trap era, I have been mistaken for a range of celebrities and twice identified as myself.
The next best thing is to have a caller who wants to recognize your fame. When this spam bot came to call, I would have thought nothing of it had it been attached to I have been mugged., where celebrity was revealed. The note attached to A Meat Alternative (The irony was not lost on me at all.) read:
I don’t even know the way I ended up here, but I believed this put up was great. I don’t realize who you’re but definitely you are going to a well-known blogger in the event you aren’t already. Cheers!”
Now, trying to figure out to whom this spam should have been delivered left me in quite a quandary. Should I send it to an aspiring blogger or a famous blogger? I cloned it and sent it to both No Throw Aways and Traffic Generation Café.
Oh. My.
We have jested at length about M3 being a porn site and an escort service and my own personal hunting ground. We have laughed at Horny Hots and assorted porn spammers. I get more than my fair share of inane email and online gawkers on social media. Every once in a while I get an inbox Lothario, but I am convinced this next spammer was directed to the wrong blog.
Dave (Yes, he signed his name.) is looking for someone. Well, to be more accurate, I think he is looking for a full squadron of people women. His request spam specifically states no dudes. Apparently, he is a charitable, environmentally-conscious pervert man because the website he linked in his love letter solicitation spam was to a very large, green charity.
Yes, by the time I was half way through the wretchedly misspelt abomination spam, I needed a steam cleaner an old-fashioned brush car wash a shower. In all honesty, I am not certain to whom to send this one. You see, he was not totally specific (and some of the spelling left me questioning his intent and interests). So, if you are one of the following, please let me know, so I can forward Dave’s misdirected email to you. Here are some (<that is the operative word) of his requirements:
- discrete married , bi, courios ddfree, neg, for bubble butt bottom.
- do not care what size race or crede
- “FWB”
- a petite girl 18 35
- Please no men, only other ts or woman.
- No dudes,camgirl, or spam
If you respond, remember: He needs you to supply your telephone number and a picture (or a few), so he knows you are real, under the subject line…Me So Horny. And he will gladly help you out with $100 per visit for your rent “our light bill” or any other utility. Did I mention he is honst and careing? Oh, and he is a 53-year-old virgin. So, it probably is not of concern he is a bottom looking for a bottom.
If you are shy, you can inbox me for all the details. You all know after Karla and Kursad I have the new ulterior motive of making love connections for all my non-hooked up M3 Readers, hatemailers and spammers. Please, step up and claim your misdelivered spam mail.
I hope you are having a real meat day! So, I have to know…Do vegetarians and vegans get spam, too?
/ February 22, 2012I get my share of spam, too…
but what your post really made me think of was all the strange wrong-numbers I get on my phone. Once someone left me a message that the porta-potty was ready to be picked up and although the crew was leaving for the day they would leave it outside the fence for me. When I answer a wrong number, I always say, ‘I’m sorry – I think you have the wrong number’, and it surprises me how many people ask what number they have dialed. Does that really make a difference? Or do they think they somehow might actually know me? Kind of funny.
/ February 22, 2012I do not understand why they ask. It is just as good as the ones with the wrong number who want to know who I am. Standard answer: “Not the one to whom you wish to continue to speak.”
/ February 22, 2012I am so sorry you got that. I’ll try to correct the problem so you don’t have to deal with anymore of my men callers. That Dave……he knows better.
/ February 22, 2012He was very good not to mention your name explicitly. Apparently, he is learning.
/ February 22, 2012Good. He’s in training still.
/ February 22, 2012Bad grammar = I bang head against table. Red’s explanation of grammar = I laugh for ridiculously long time 🙂
/ February 22, 2012Glad this one gave you the giggles. I may just have to add some extra grammar lessons 😉
/ February 23, 2012lol. I hate being behind, but I love catching up. 🙂
/ February 23, 2012There are some fun ones along the way!!