All posts tagged strength

Strength & Weakness: His vs. Hers

The top three categories to measure strength and weakness were the same for men and women. The fourth was entirely different, but the last one was similar. Society defines strength in men and women very differently despite giving the same name to each category.

Strength & Weakness: His

Yesterday, we looked at strength and weakness in women. Do we have the same definitions when they apply to men? Strong Men We all conjure an image when someone says “strong man”. Is the first image which comes to mind a body builder or one like this? Or do you see the strong man sitting […]

Strength & Weakness: Hers

In cruising through my daily blogs, I discovered what I consider either very enlightening or very disturbing. This three day foray into the male and the female of the species will focus on what we view as strengths and weaknesses and a comparison of the two. Today, the female. Strong Women What is the first […]