I was tagged in a post by the lovely Raven from Road to Ravenwood to answer ten queries about myself. In the interest of getting to know one another better, let’s have a look at what the questions are, shall we?
1. Describe yourself in seven words.
- Assistant
- Attendant
- Interested
- Authentic
- Toxic
- Unconvinced
- Observant
2. What keeps you up at night?
Bear being on the road at night.
3. Who would you like to be?
A salaried sleeper.
4. What are you wearing right now?
Non-disclosure is the better part of valor. But I will admit to these.

Yum. Needs a Lust Button.
5. What scares you?
What does not scare my children.
6. The best and worst of blogging.
The absolute best are the readers who are so faithful. That includes the ones who can only come by every once in a while, but remember right where we left off in our conversation.
The worst are the trolls. More information available.
7. The last website you visited.
Google+ to see who had added me to their circles and answer comments. Stop by. I welcome the whimsy.
8. What is the one thing you would change about yourself?
I despise this question. If I say nothing, I am conceited. If I pick something, I am insecure. Hmm. (Skips to answer all rest of questions and finish post and take picture to insert for question 4 and fix another pot of coffee and put clothes from washer to dryer/rack and listen at the door to hear the children sing and sit in front of the screen to fiddle with the mouse while thinking of what to answer.)
My ability to manage time to include more of the enjoyable hobbies I have long forgone in favor of the support of my family and friends.
9. Slankets, yes or no?
Emphatically, no.
10. Say something nice about the person who tagged you.
Raven is authentic. She is affable and amiable and if you listen closely enough, you find her laugh is infectious. In her lovely Ravenwood, the enchantment is sublime and palpable all at once, a mighty feat to be fair. Get to know her. I am glad I am.
If you have read this far, consider yourself tagged. Let your audience in on a few things about you. I know I want to know what your answers are.
I hope your day is productive, restful, peaceful and stalker-free.