All posts in category Society

Clyde on Grammar

Grammar Nazi

His skepticism is due in large part by the systematic assassination of the languages humans use to communicate. Social media, blogging and text messaging have been hung with the largest portion of the blame for horrific grammar. Clyde thinks the blame is misplaced.

Simply No

High Heel Shoes

Verbosity notwithstanding, this should be brief, since we have already examined the powerful little word “no“.

I do not mean…

Stop Sign

Any utterance prefaced with a caveat such as “I don’t mean to hurt your feelings” or “I’m sorry. I do not mean to be rude, but…” should be spoken without it.


Despite what may seem appropriate given the title, this post is not about writer’s block. Or many of the blocks which benefit or plague the author. Instead, we will be discussing mental blocks.

Early Saturday Evening Post

It is hotter than Hades in Texas this week, although not as hot as it is in other venues. Grab a cuppa of something sweet and cool. Let’s talk.