All posts tagged change

Chocolate Dipped

dog poop

When you mention chocolate, only those who are allergic to it cringe. Most everyone else puts their hand out with a grin. Do you?

Saturday. Tuesday. What’s the difference?

Mantra cold

So, Clyde missed Saturday because he was preparing for Running Naked With Scissors. What else did the SEP hold? Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. The rainbow is nice.

Saturday Evening Post

What a fabulous week! Free books, contests, books and more! Grab a cuppa, snuggle into a rocker under the fans and let’s talk. Clyde is being sneaky, but helpful.

A Change for the Better

This week’s Talk Tuesday led us to today’s topic: Change. Did you change because of a goal you set or did it happen as a result of self-realization? Did you discover you could not tolerate a portion of your identity or did a new branch sprout and begin to blossom?