All posts tagged friends

Saturday Evening Post

This has to be the feature I missed the most during April. We have a lot to cover before we get to Clyde, so grab your cuppa and snuggle in because the fans are blowing away the humidity and the mosquitoes. Here’s hoping it does not rain for a while, as we are going for […]

Looking In

We have already delved into the way we portray ourselves to others in pretty minute detail. We also have realized what we say is not always what is heard. The same holds true of the perception of others when it comes to the way they see us. What is it they really see?


Friends can be the absolute worst. Yes, they can be destructive, selfish, overbearing and isolating. No, I have not been abducted and replaced with another blogger.

Saturday Evening Post

Today has been a roller coaster of epic proportions. I will not make you woozy with images like the ones in Fasten Your Seat Belts. Honestly, though, perhaps roller coaster is the wrong image entirely. There truly have not been many lows, but I am hard pressed to conjure an image of merely up…

Muse for Monday


As we search out soul mates, we are not guaranteed the one who appears will fit our preconceptions. Do you know what your soul mate is going to look, act, feel like? Let’s embark on a journey of discovery.