All posts in category Marriage

Saturday Evening Post

Extra Large Coffee Cup

Good grief! It is Saturday already. Where has this week gone? Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. There is a stack of blankets right over there. The wind is not going to die down. Let’s talk.


One of the most popular posts on The M3 Blog is a post where I had no energy to write at all. (Number three on the Most Loved list in the right sidebar.) Today, I have a similar feeling.

Stereotypical Palaver

Brass Bell

Over the past few weeks, information has been swirling around and hitting at strange angles. Seems stereotypes are all the buzz. More like buzzkill, to be honest.

Day 30: All Atwitter

I get excited almost as often as I get defeated. That I even have a post for today is celebration.

Day 5: Dear John

meme crayons and puppets

As forthright as I am, there are only a few things I would like to say to an ex which were not delivered in a dissertation, soliloquy or a classic rant. Still, there are a few I would like to repeat, were there ears attached and functioning.