All posts in category Marriage

Day 1: Five Ways to Win my Heart

Heartfly Fractal Art

Despite the corporate world often complaining I have no heart, or I do but it is a microbial piece of titanium diboride, in fact, I do have a heart. It stays generally on the mend from one occasion to the next. There are definite ways to permeate the sutures.

Asked & Answered

chinese anger symbol

Stepping back to a time of animosity, hurt or discord is truly not how you want to remember the last days you have. How many times have you prayed for acceptance of the things you cannot change? Until this moment, you had it. Do not let it go.”

Do you know your place?

No Political Correctness Sign

WARNING While neither political nor religious in nature, this posting makes no attempt at political correctness. The faint of heart may wish to take their medication; the arrogant and easily offended, well, I’ll see you in the comments.

Taken for Granted

cat litter box scoop

The little things that people do for others are often taken for granted until they are no longer there to do them for you. It could be as simple as changing the cat litter and taking the trash out or as complicated as making it possible for you to survive emotionally, physically or financially. What […]

It is the little things.

Puppy love

It has been a long week of questions and answers. One question keeps popping up. What advice do you have?