All posts in category Relationships

No Bread Please

blue steak

In terms of people skills, I am decidedly lacking in the eyes of corporate America on the basis my sandwiches have no bread. Let’s examine my deliberate lack of carbs.

It’s About Damn Time

My Dearest M3 Readers (all four of you), It has been a time of bizarre and wonderful happenstance and endeavor. Rather than bore you with the intimate details, suffice it to say I have overcome. My official newlywed label has worn away, and my doctor says I may type. We shall keep her squarely in […]

Trinity of O

When we spoke of bullets in the line, the subsequent conversation led to the identity of a trinity available at all events. Grab a cuppa and snuggle in for this week’s Saturday Evening Post.

Here’s the Skinny…


I write those words at least three times per week. It is where I have failed at getting through to my audience with the expanded version and give in to the abbreviated, bullet list which surpasses the attention span of most everyone I encounter.

I do not mean…

Stop Sign

Any utterance prefaced with a caveat such as “I don’t mean to hurt your feelings” or “I’m sorry. I do not mean to be rude, but…” should be spoken without it.