All posts in category Relationships

Saturday Evening Post

Brain Picking

On this last Saturday of 2014, Clyde has to question what keeps our skulls convex. This year is ending on a cold note, so grab a blanket and a cuppa. Your rocker is ready for snuggling, and the fire is stoked. Let’s talk.

Saturday Evening Post

The only constant is change.

It has been a blustery week filled with weird and wonderful goings-on. Grab a cuppa and snuggle into a rocker. Methinks Clyde is going to railroad my plans for this post. Let’s talk.

Guilt by Participation

Hindsight is 20 20

One considers being guilty of something meaning participating in whatever the offense may be. Occasionally, participating means something different.


percent sign

A morning discussion produced what appeared on the surface to be a rant. In fact, it is merely a bright revelation.

Three Day Post

What was the question?

If you have the dubious pleasure of being my friend on Facebook, you know I often ask questions whose answers form the (basis, proof, antithesis) of a post on The M3 Blog.