Sweet Sunday Solace

Now, I know my regular readers were a bit befuddled by my abrupt switch of gears on Saturday night. (Thank you for the 25+ emails telling me you did not like it.) As atonement (following suit from our week theme of forgiveness), I offer a more lighthearted insight into life.

Just Want to Hear It

A Vekoma Boomerang roller coaster at Wild Adve...

This week has been an emotional roller coaster like I have not had in quite some time. Anyone who has visited About Momma knows I home school my youngest two children, both of whom are autistic. While Little V is strangely verbal, Man Cub is not verbal. Some of you can appreciate the longing with which I await the words, Momma and I love you.

Art Mimics Life

A rambling rant I read this week discussed life mimicking art or vice versa. Here at M3, art is mimicking life…in case you did not notice by the links in this post so far. In bringing you the subjects you send me via Ask Momma, I do it by giving you a little slice of life from four miles past the point where all hope is lost.

I need a time out.

Being in the presence of my children 24 hours a day takes its toll. Some days I long for the comfort of an in-person, adult conversation about anything except:

  • Diapers
  • Homework
  • Work
  • Blogging
  • Therapy (pick a specialty)
  • Misbehavior
  • Strawberry milk
  • Housework
  • The location of _________
  • Disney movies
  • Elementary math
  • Discipline
  • Yep, the content of everyday with autistic toddlers

Although my children are six and seven, they still function below the age of three for the majority of tasks, with Man Cub somewhere between 13 months and two years… but over four feet tall and over 80 pounds. Sometimes, after dinner and bath, I need a break.

You don’t have to go home,
but you cannot stay here.

These are the times they are banished to their room to play with some of the 8,000 toys which litter their floor and closet and beneath the beds (which is also fodder for the eternal proclamation they have nothing to do). This Monday was one such day.

Can we come out now?

No one said it, but the angelic smiles as Little Bear peeked from behind Little V screamed it from across the dining room.

Super Villain Secret Signal

Me: (Smiling sweetly) What are you doing out of your room? You are supposed to be playing. You do not have to go to sleep, but you (I) do have to have some quiet time.

LV: Because it’s time for to come out now.

Me: Oh, no it is not, my badness child. (Three big grins)

LV: I not a badness child for you. (giggles)

Me: Oh, yes. Yes, you are. Badness. Badness. Badness.

MC: Baaness. Baaness. Baaness.

Me: (Astonished look, no beat missed) I love you!

MC: I love you!

Me: Momma!

MC: Momma!

Me: (Clapping!!!)

MC: (Clapping) Yay!

(Big group bear hug)

Momma and the Man Cub

On With the Waterworks

In the last six and a half years, the word Momma has not escaped Man Cub’s lips to mean me. Not. Once. While he has told others I love you, too, he has never volunteered it to/for me. I shuffled them off after many squeezes to their room for the night. Then, I retired to my room to cry where it would not upset them.

In a world where there are no complete sentences and very few words at all, I will take I love you, Momma any way I can get it.

Hashtags: #autism #parenting

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© Red Dwyer 2011
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  1. oh how I know that feeling, the needing the time out for you and the joy that brings you to tears when they do something you have waited so long for them to do.

  2. Red, this is a very touching article. I know how you feel hearing MC say momma or I love you. We have talked about this at Grant house many times. You are a very strong woman to deal with this each day, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK RED!

  3. Well Red, we all know that the Man Cub is a Moose. After scrubbing his horns on the trees, truck, vinyl siding and living room walls to compose his thoughts, it is amazing what he can accomplish. Remember… 1,2,3, Splash! Love you, Grant

    • Tell me about it. He came into the kitchen while Little V and I were doing dishes and plain as day said, “Kool-Aid”. Apparently, our new plan is working! Love you, too!

  4. So beautiful, Red!

  5. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself.

    • You are welcome! And so glad you stopped to comment. I hope you find something to enjoy amongst the pages and leave a link to your blog in the Green Room. (Link at the tip top of the page.) Red.

  6. You are obviously a very strong minded and highly devoted loving mum, it must be so hard coping sometimes and yet you truly excel 🙂

    Actually when I read these comments everyone seems familiar and here I am making comments about something that I know very little about, I hope that I do not say anything wrong my wickedly fine friend…

    Have a great day today Red 🙂

    Androgoth XXx

    • You have not. You will find amongst the comments some people who, though we have never seen each other face-to-face, have come to learn of my life and I of theirs. We share our words, our feelings and at times our souls. Truly, it is the definition of “writer”. But as you will have discovered, it is the post for the morn.

      Writers will always get close to their audiences through the open windows into life we leave barely cracked or sash swung wide.

      Have a lovely rest of the afternoon, my fine friend,

      • Yes you are right my wonderful friend and only through times great portal may we all learn, attach our thoughts with a friendly edge and add to an atmosphere of friendliness 🙂

        Have a nice rest of evening Red 🙂

        Androgoth XXx

  7. bear

     /  December 12, 2011

    I have and can personally attest to the facts about Annie and the children. I see the look in her eyes when she talks to them and the overwhelming love she has for them. I for one am blown away with emotions when I talk about it. Everyone should. Should be as loving and as strong of character as Annie is. Awesome! Bear

  8. Those words must have been wonderful for you. What a beautiful story. ~R

  9. Wow! What a wonderful moment. I sure don’t know how you do it – meaning getting everything done you do. I hope this is only the first of many times you will hear those words from his lips directed just at you – Momma!

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