Yep, mugged.
Some of you read all about it on Facebook. Others of you got the news on Google Plus. I have decided to wait to pass the information to Twitter or Linked In until I tell my faithful M3 Readers. I have been mugged.
It is just one of those things you do not expect on a blustery Saturday afternoon. There you are, minding your own business and WHAM! Mugged. Then, there’s report this. Paperwork that. What a nightmare. At least, I am pretty sure it will not leave any permanent marks. Scars happen to suck.
So, I shake it off and grab some dinner with the shortest people in the house. Toss them in the tub to drown them bathe them, and then have a 12-minute wrestling match to get them into pajamas. Everyone got two turns on the trampoline (It makes them sleep better.), and I issued the edict: Time for bed.
After the fourth threat of duct tape, a yard stick and the staple gun, they got into the bed. I made the switch from coffee to Merlot and sat down to see what the M3 Readers and my social media addicts had been doing.
You’ve Got Mail
As the Saturday Evening Post went live, I got the news. You know, that irritating red notification square on your Google screen. One was the number in the box. Hades’ fire! I had just been there not four minutes ago for cripes’ sake.
It was certainly not where I was expecting to get a return on my reporting and paperwork filling out adventure. But at least it was a notification telling me there was a composite sketch of the mugger. I need your help with this one. Have you seen this man?
This man is the maniacal caricature artist, savvy political satirist and the head loony for Bearman Cartoons. He is the one who does caricatures of the famous and infamous. And guess who he mugged? Yes, he mugged me.
I have been added to the Bearman collection with such other notable characters as Pamela Anderson, Barack Obama, Ron Jeremy, Ashton Kutcher, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and Charlie Sheen. Somehow, I feel like a butterfly with a pin through my thorax. Makes me wonder what kind of wine to serve with me under glass.
All I can tell you is you best watch which neighborhoods you haunt and which circles you hang out in on Google Plus. There are Bearman in them thar woods…and he’s a professional mugger.
Tony McGurk
/ March 3, 2012That’s where my caricatured avatar came from too
/ March 3, 2012Bearman is great!