All posts tagged bad behavior

Not Without You

It is time to MAD. If you never thought you could make a difference, never thought you could change the world, never thought you could be a hero…you were not looking in the right place. It is right here and right now.

B is for Bad Behavior

Yes, you have it, too. Everyone else knows, so there is no sense in your attempt to pretend both the goody shoes fit. Time for a four-year-old question: Why (do we behave badly)?

All buts are cracked.

In the search for identity, self-forgiveness plays a pivotal role in reforming perspective, rendering and processing judgment and settling into tenets based on experience. There is a point, however, where self-forgiveness becomes a method to engage in bad behavior.

Blind Love Has No First Sight

talking in context

Yesterday, we talked about whether or not marriage is for you. The audience was active in sharing what may have been missing from the original list of flags for a marriage destined for divorce. Laurie, of Dazed & Confused, brought up an interesting point.