All posts in category Month of Prompts

Prompt: Up in the Middle of the Night

digital alarm clock

The irritating green numbers on the clock nonchalantly pronounced 1:16 am. No matter how long she stared, they never seemed to fade into the landscape of a dream she longed to have.

Prompt: I say _______ a lot.

Meme crayons and puppets

Yes… I repeat myself. After all, there may still be someone who has not heard it.

Prompt: Invent an Appliance

Greek delta symbol of change

One would think since I hate to mop, I would want to invent a machine to do it for me. That would be an assumption. Consider this my beauty pageant world peace speech.

Prompt: My Fashion Line

orange stiletto

The toughest post yet!

Prompt: My Great-Great-Great-Grandchildren

4 generations of family

Mes Cheris, there are a few things I feel compelled to say.