All posts in category Life

Prompt: My Warning Label

contents under pressure

Have you ever wondered what label your friends would put on you so others would know what to expect? Wouldn’t you know it? I asked.

Prompt: It Needs a Drive-Thru

Chevrolet Silverado

In a 24/7 culture, one would reasonably presume all businesses would be convenient for their customers. In reality, this concept suffers in practice. A good way to bridge the gap would be for some businesses to simply install a drive thru window.

Prompt: In My Next Life…

Greek delta symbol of change

In my next life, I will be…

Prompt: My Great-Great-Great-Grandchildren

4 generations of family

Mes Cheris, there are a few things I feel compelled to say.

Prompt: Junk Drawer

junk drawer

Some claim America is the only country where people designate a place for junk. Be it avarice, sloth or organization, what one stores in a junk drawer is revealing. What is in mine?