Some claim America is the only country where people designate a place for junk. Be it avarice, sloth or organization, what one stores in a junk drawer is revealing. What is in mine?
Prompt: Junk Drawer
More Kitchen Nightmares
“Oh, doesn’t it smell wonderful?” “It looks delicious!” Then, you stick the spoon in and taste. You wonder what vile thing crawled into the pot and died. There is too much of something.
Kitchen Nightmares
Why is it the only time you cook a complete abomination is when you have dinner guests arriving in 22 minutes? Because when we rush we make mistakes. Sometimes it is the difference between a soup which looks like cabbage water and a stew. Other times, it is the layer of fat on the top […]
Saving Money With Your Stove Top
The average electric stove will last 17 years, and a gas one, 19. If you are only cleaning every week, that is around 1,000 cleanings. Help your stove live a long, clean life with the following tips for how to clean a stove. Stop before it starts. Minimum spilling means minimum cleaning. In the end, […]
Successful Grocery Shopping: Ten Commandments
Successful grocery shopping is getting what you need, at the best price, in the smallest amount of time. If you follow ten rules, you will be successful every time.