All posts in category Parenting


Despite what may seem appropriate given the title, this post is not about writer’s block. Or many of the blocks which benefit or plague the author. Instead, we will be discussing mental blocks.

Early Saturday Evening Post

It is hotter than Hades in Texas this week, although not as hot as it is in other venues. Grab a cuppa of something sweet and cool. Let’s talk.

Prompt: My Great-Great-Great-Grandchildren

4 generations of family

Mes Cheris, there are a few things I feel compelled to say.


Cap and Gown

Our society has a load of events in which we engage in group behavior which psychologically changes us in subtle ways. Some we scoff as celebrations of mediocrity because of their ubiquity, but many are milestones which have longstanding benefits. One is graduation.

Light It Up Blue

If you have been off social media in the last week, you may have missed the thousands of posts reminding everyone to wear blue today (02APR) for Autism Awareness Day.