All posts in category Make a Difference

Chocolate Dipped

dog poop

When you mention chocolate, only those who are allergic to it cringe. Most everyone else puts their hand out with a grin. Do you?

Clyde Says Try Dammit

This post has been edited a number of times to remove Clyde’s expletives. This is the best it is going to get.

Clyde on Perfection

perfection butterfly

Enough is as good as a feast.” ~ Mary Poppins

Stereotypical Palaver

Brass Bell

Over the past few weeks, information has been swirling around and hitting at strange angles. Seems stereotypes are all the buzz. More like buzzkill, to be honest.

Day 30: All Atwitter

I get excited almost as often as I get defeated. That I even have a post for today is celebration.