All posts in category Parenting


What we don't know

Are you just ecstatic when someone tells you, “If you had just…”? *eye roll*

Friday Follies from the Cell

Far be it from me to hold Follies merely to the SIB. No, even my CrackBerry is not immune to Follies. Episode 51 of the Friday Follies comes to you from Guatemala.

Only One

Puzzle Piece

We did the Widowed Blog Hop, and you read Killing Us Softly. You got to know the part of me which dealt with becoming a widow. Most of you looked on with my train wreck fascination¹. What we have never discussed is singleness.

Nay, Neigh, Nay


When you hear the hoof beats of a nightmare in your sleep, the heart palpitations match the rhythm.

Dear Babies,

A Month of Letters

To the darlings which never were,